Awaken Me Darkly

Free Awaken Me Darkly by Gena Showalter

Book: Awaken Me Darkly by Gena Showalter Read Free Book Online
Authors: Gena Showalter
felt her presence.
    “Where is she, Hudson?” I demanded. When he didn’t respond immediately, I leveled my gun at his dick, so proudly displayed.
    “I don’t know what you’re talking about. I swear to God I don’t.” He licked his lips and tried to scoot himself behind the woman’s back.
    “Using a civilian to shield yourself,” I muttered. “You’re practically the Antichrist, you know that?”
    He stilled.
    “In A.I.R. training, did you watch instructional halograms of my work?” I asked.
    “Yeah,” he hesitantly answered.
    “Then you know I have no conscience, and I’ll do whatever it takes to get what I want.” I gave the trigger of my gun a little pressure, not enough to grind off a shot, but enough to make my target squirm a little. “I’m not going to ask you about Lilla again. I’m just going to hurt you.”
    “You’ll go to jail if you hurt me.” Sweat beaded on his forehead, and he worried a shaky hand back and forth across his brow. “Assaulting an agent of the law is a federal offense, and there are too many witnesses here.”
    One by one, my men turned around and faced the wall. Hudson’s face grew paler and paler. A cruel laugh pushed past my lips. “Wrong answer,” I said, and switched my gun’s setting to its highest level. I aimed.
    “She was here,” he rushed on, hands up to ward me off, “and she tore my place apart. I kicked her out. I swear.”
    He was lying.
    Lilla didn’t control him, but he cared enough for her to risk his career and his freedom by burying her file. I truly doubted he would have kicked her out for trashing his place.
    “Who’s your friend?” I asked, motioning to the crying female. My men turned back and faced us.
    We’d made our point.
    Hudson glanced at each man. “She’s my wife.”
    He was lying. Again. His record said he was single. Most likely, he didn’t want us to be able to question the woman about him. “Georgie, Georgie, Georgie,” I said, holstering my gun, “you’ve really pushed me too far this time.” With that, I closed the distance between us and slammed my palm into his nose. The cartilage snapped on contact. Amid his shrieks of agony, I turned and said, “Three noses in one night. Not my record, but not bad either.”
    Behind me, I heard Dallas give a short bark of laughter. I pivoted, but wasn’t quick enough to catch his smile. He frowned at me, still angry with me for not letting him lead. I could handle his anger, though, because that meant he was still alive.
    I turned back and knelt in front of the woman. Her body was violently trembling, and her eyes were slits of fear. “I’m not going to hurt you,” I assured her. “You’re safe.”
    Watching me, still unsure, she nodded.
    “What’s your name?” I asked.
    “Sherry. Sherry Galligher.”
    “Did an Arcadian female come here tonight, Sherry?”
    She nodded again.
    “Is she here now?”
    “Yes,” was the hesitant reply.
    “Shut up, bitch,” Hudson spat, slamming his fist into her stomach with such force she banged against the nightstand.
    My eyes narrowed on the bastard, and I held out my hand toward Kittie. “Hand me your lighter. I think I’ll light a cigar.” I glanced pointedly at Hudson’s dick. “Well, a cigarette, anyway.”
    “Bitch,” Hudson growled, his anger and desperation making him forget his fear. “You’d do it too.
    Well, if you want to light up my cock, why don’t you try sucking it first? Because that’s the only place you belong. On your knees.”
    “Oh, shit,” Dallas said, suddenly behind me. “He’s dead now.”
    Kittie slapped the lighter into my outstretched hand. “Thanks.” I kept my attention on Hudson. I held the flame close to his nose and slowly moved downward. He tried to scramble backward, but the bed frame stopped any form of retreat. “You want to rephrase your last words?”
    His lips compressed in a tight line as his ball hairs singed. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean it. I’m so

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