Sons of Flame MC - Redemption

Free Sons of Flame MC - Redemption by Ashley Rhodes

Book: Sons of Flame MC - Redemption by Ashley Rhodes Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ashley Rhodes
suddenly blossomed inside him, red hot and uncontrollable.
    "And what would you have me do, Tess? Just go back to working for him, until the next time he decides to throw me under the bus? Run to the police and have him murder my grandmother? I. HAVE. NO. CHOICE. Can't you see that?"
    He laughed bitterly.
    "Of course you can't. To you, I'm just another subhuman criminal, another idiot who doesn't know any better. Look how quick you were to assume that I willingly went back to work for Tex. And now you think you have all the answers, when you don't know anything at all."
    He saw how his words had wounded her, but it was too late now, too late to stop.
    "Wait in here until I'm gone, Tess. They'll see me, and they'll chase me. Once that happens, make sure nobody is around, go and get in your car, and leave. Leave and don't look back. All I ask is that you wait until you get to the city before you tell the police. Give me some time to get away."
    Tears were running down her face. Eli had the urge to reach out to her, pull her into an embrace, tell her that he didn't mean it, that everything was going to be OK. But he couldn't, because it wasn't.
    With a supreme effort of will, he wrenched his eyes from hers and took out the briefcase from the trunk. She stood there like a woman lost.
    "I don't have time for this," Eli said. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you. It's been a stressful few days, and I'll try and make it up to you when it's all over. I promise."
    He reached out to her, but she flinched and drew away from him.
    The first good woman to ever take an interest in you, Eli Flint, and you push her away. Smooth. Real smooth.
    Eli turned to the task at hand and popped the trunk, lifting the suitcase out. It felt heavy in his hand - heavy with drugs, heavy with consequences, too.
    Tess was still standing there, staring into the middle distance. When Eli spoke, he tried to make his voice as soft and gentle as possible.
    "Tess, I'm going to go now. I need you to wait in here out of sight for a little while once I'm gone, like I said. Can you do that for me? Please?"
    She turned away from him without acknowledging his words.
    Good enough, I guess.
    Eli pulled his keys from his pocket, took a deep breath, and made for the door. It was getting bright outside - it was going to be another hot, clear day, like usual.
    But then, he saw something.
    Eli swore under his breath.
    It was one of the Sons of Flame. Eli couldn't make out exactly who, but that leather jacket was unmistakable. Eli knew that he didn't have much time. He had to make a decision, and fast. Everything depended on this moment.
    He grabbed Tess' arm, who immediately tried to struggle away from him.
    "Get the fuck off me!" she shouted. "Just go!"
    Eli grimaced. He'd have time to explain all of this later. Right now, all that mattered was getting out of here, putting as much distance between them and this town as possible.
    "Tess. I need you to listen to me. You can hit me, punch me, do whatever to me later. Get behind the car again, and stay there until you hear me call your name. When I do, you run to me, and you get on my bike. No questions, no nothing. Just do it, or we're both dead. Understand?"
    He didn't have time to see if she was going to cooperate. He shoved her roughly behind the car, and then tried to affect as calm an air as possible. The guy was approaching the entrance to the workshop now, casual, not concerned. Yet.
    Good. That was good.
    Eli slid the case under the car, hoping beyond hope that the guy hadn't seen anything. He went and stood in the entrance to the workshop, waiting. He could see who it was now. Snake. A guy who'd been with the Sons for years, but was so stupid that he'd never really risen up the ranks. He always got the shitty jobs. Like stakeout duty, for example.
    Eli nodded to Snake as he got closer.
    "Snake. What can I do for you? Tex still doesn't trust me, huh? I guess not, if he's got you keepin' an eye on me."

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