Carthage Must Be Destroyed

Free Carthage Must Be Destroyed by Richard Miles

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Authors: Richard Miles
    Bomilcar, stele inscription
    Bomilcar, Carthaginian general
    attempted coup in Carthage
    Books of Fate (Roman)
    Bostar, Carthaginian commander
    Bostar, Carthaginian governor of Sardinia
    bread ovens, Kerkouane
    Brecht, Bertolt
    Himilco’s voyage to
    Brittany, Himilco’s voyage to
    Bronze Age
    Near East
    nomadic invasions from east
    palace societies
    bronze objects
    Entella tablets
    hatchet razors
    Bruttium (Calabria)
    Hannibal in
    bucchero nero (Etruscan drinking cups)
    burial practices
    burial (inhumation)
    sea-going ships
    worship of goddess Baalat Gubal
    Byron, Lord
    Byrsa, citadel
    and Roman rebuilding
    streets up to

    Cabala, battle of
    Cacus, ogre
    Rome equated with
    Cadmus, envoy from Syracuse to Greece
    caduceus plant, emblems
    Caecus, Appius Claudius
    Caere, Etruscan kingdom spring of Hercules
    Calpurnius Piso, Lucius, consul (147 BC)
    Camarina, Sicily
    Cameroun, Mount
    Campania, Italy
    Hannibal in
    links with Carthage
    Campanians, as mercenaries
    Canary Islands
    Cannae, Battle of (216 BC)
    Can’nai , ethnic group
    Canusium, Italy
    Cap Bon peninsula
    see also Kerkouane
    Cape Lacinium, temple of Juno
    Cape Tyndaris, naval battle of (260 BC)
    alliance with Rome
    Hannibal at
    rebellion against Rome
    siege and sack by Rome (211)
    Caralis (Cagliari), Sardinia
    Carpetani tribe, Spain
    carpets and cushions, Carthaginian
    Cartagena (New Carthage), Spain
    besieged by Scipio
    blockade by Scipio
    foundation by Hasdrubal
    ORIGINS AND RISE OF: in context of ancient world; Elissa foundation myth; gods (patron); Levantine heritage and influence; rise as mercantile power; rivalry with Greece; sources for history
    CITY; Byrsa (citadel); Cintas’ chapel; construction of ‘Hannibal Quarter’; early city; fortifications; grid; Hannibal’s construction programme; harbours
    accused of conspiracy with Persia
    and arrival of Scipio Africanus
    and assistance to Mamertines in Sicily
    besieged by Agathocles
    blockaded by mercenaries
    defeat at Himera
    economic effects of First Punic War
    economic recovery after Second Punic War
    fall and sack of (146 BC); curse on; destruction; ploughing with salt ; preparations for siege (149 BC); siege of (149–146)
    famine (256–255 BC)
    imperial ambitions
    and loss of Sicily
    metaphorical references to
    as moral antithesis to Rome
    political institutions, 130; democratic faction (150s); Hannibal’s reforms; oligarchic government; pro-Barcid faction; rise of power of Popular Assembly
    rebuilding: as Colonia Iulia Concordia Carthago; Roman proposals
    relations with Rome: alliance with Rome against Pyrrhus; embassy to Rome (351 BC); first treaty with Rome (509 BC) ; possible treaty with Rome (306 BC) ; Roman embassy to; second treaty with Rome (348 BC); third treaty with Rome (279/278 BC); treaty to end First Punic War (241 BC)
    and Syracuse; loss of; wars
    and treaty with Philip of Macedon
    war with Numidia
    see also Council of Elders; Popular Assembly
    Carthage, battle at (256 BC)
    Carthaginian army
    elite suspicion of generals
    loyalty to Hannibal
    and Mercenaries’ Revolt
    military strategy
    Sacred Band
    in Spain
    standing army in Sicily
    under command of Xanthippus
    use of mercenaries
    see also Hannibal, army of
    Carthaginian navy
    blockade of Strait of Messina
    private funding for
    raids on Italian coast
    under Hamilcar
    weakness of
    enslaved by Gelon
    in Greece Greek stereotypes
    Roman stereotypes
    in Rome
    Carthalo, democratic leader
    Casilinum, Italy
    Cassiterides Islands
    Cassius Dio
    on beginnings of First Punic War
    on Hannibal
    on military leadership
    on Mylae
    Cato, Marcus Porcius
    embassy to Carthage
    hatred of Carthage
    opposition to Scipio
    support for Scipio Aemilianus
    cedarwood, Tyrian trade in
    Celtiberian tribes
    Hamilcar Barca and
    Hannibal and
    Celtiberians, in Hannibal’s army
    in Alpine regions
    descent from Heracles

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