Jason's Princess: A King Brothers Story

Free Jason's Princess: A King Brothers Story by Elise Manion

Book: Jason's Princess: A King Brothers Story by Elise Manion Read Free Book Online
Authors: Elise Manion
on her brake, he had backed up as if to ram her again but Jarod had showed up so he took off. She explained that to the men. They stared at her in thought for a while before Jason made a call.
    “Jarod, it’s me. Julie just described the accident and you need to get over here…. no, I want you to hear it in her own words…. yeah, ok. See you soon.”
    She noticed when he hung up that he had jostled himself closer to her and he now blatantly put his arm around her. The pain meds must’ve kicked in because she liked it. He was warm and he smelled good. She briefly closed her eyes and leaned into him. She was beginning to feel sleepy anyway. He wouldn’t notice her smelling him, would he?
    “Are the pain pills making you sleepy? The doctor doesn’t want you to sleep for a while, just in case there’s a concussion.” His green eyes had darkened and were boring into her like a diamond drill.
    Ok, she’ll stay awake if he’ll let her keep looking at his pretty eyes.
    “I’m feeling a lot more relaxed than before but not sleepy. I promise to stay awake. When is Jarod coming over? Maybe I should write down what happened while it’s fresh in my head?”
    “That’s a good idea, Sis. Let me get you some paper and a pencil; or do you want to tell it again and I’ll type it while you talk?” Charlie jumped up to get the supplies, eager to help out anyway that he could.
    “Paper and pen is fine, Charlie. It will keep me awake.” She wasn’t sure if that was true, and she dreaded having to leave the comfort of Jason’s arms, but writing it down would give her something proactive to do. Maybe it would help her remember more details.
    Halfway into her report Lauren breezed through the door.
    Geez, it’s like I’m living in Grand Central Station .
    “I’m here,” she rushed in. “What happened, are you ok? Oh my god, Julie! You have the same forehead as your brother!” the witch cackled.
    Why am I best friends with her again?
    While she wrote, she listened to Josh fill Lauren in on the accident. Jason would pipe in here and there, keeping his arm around her, ready to help her if she needed it.
    Someone knocked on the door just as she put her pencil down. Lauren hopped up to get it. Julie saw her friend’s demeanor subtly change when Jarod walked through the door. Was it her imagination or was Lauren preening?
    Good lord, not this again .
    “Hey,” Lauren husked. Jarod just glanced at her and motioned towards Julie. “Oh, of course, of course. Please come in.” When she ushered the hunky lawmen into the living room, Julie noted the excited gleam in her BFF’s eyes and the sashay of her curvy hips. She started to roll her eyes at Lauren, but the stab of pain in her skull stopped her in mid roll. Lauren grinned like the vixen she was.

    Jason handed the report to his brother. Julie was starting to look a little ragged. He frowned and got her situated comfortably again, then casually slipped his arm back around her shoulders.
    Where it belongs .
    “What’d you find out?” Jason asked, all business again. He ignored Jarod’s raised eyebrow at the comfortable way he was snuggled up to Julie.
    “Not a damn thing. Witnesses at the scene said that the truck looked to be in a hurry and didn’t like that Julie was taking her time. Plates were stolen. There’s a definite pattern but I have zero leads, Jason, and you know how I hate that shit. Pardon my language, ladies.”
    Jason could relate to the disgust in his brother’s voice. It was so damn frustrating not knowing why someone was trying to hurt her.
    While everyone sat in contemplation, Jason felt her relax against him. Her head had fallen against his shoulder and she was breathing deep and even. He grimaced to himself. He knew with a concussion that it wasn’t good for her to sleep too long, hating to wake her up. He took a deep breath and let it out slowly, wishing he could just sit here alone with her to think about

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