The Howling Delve

Free The Howling Delve by Jaleigh Johnson

Book: The Howling Delve by Jaleigh Johnson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jaleigh Johnson
    “I know.”
    She scowled. That doesn’t mean—
    “I was just as scared,” he interrupted, and they gazed at each other in silence. “I want to go back,” Kail said. In his heart, he did not mean to Garavin’s hut.
    She seemed to realize it, and softened. You can’t. That path is closed.
    Her voice was gentle, but the words felt like a slap. Kail’s anger returned. “You know nothing about me!” he snapped. know much of you, Kail. “How do you know my name?”p>
    Garavin, she said simply. Go back to him. Dig holes and make tunnels. It’s hardening work, work you’ll need. In a year or two you’ll be fighting goblins. Dig holes, make tunnels… She paused. And come to see me, at the boulder.
    “Why?” Kail asked, confused. In the dark and the mist her profile wasn’t easy to discern, but he knew she was looking at him.
    You helped me, she said. The words clearly came hard to her. I can help you.
    They didn’t speak again. She took him back to the boulder between the trees, so he would know how to find it again.
    They found Morgan and Laerin leaning against the rock, arguing.
    “If he’d’ve been some frock-heavy, perfumed Waterdhavian snotling, you wouldn’t ve thought twice about keeping them!” Morgan accused.
    “Yet clearly he’s not,” came Laerin’s gentler reply. He noticed Kail and Cesira, and smiled. “Nor is he quite a boy, after what he’s been through. Well met, Kail.”
    Kail nodded to the half-elf. Cesira climbed the boulder and sat cross-legged atop it.
    You’re both late, she said.
    “Our fault completely,” said Laerin. “We lost Kail’s trail thanks to your superior forest skills … and Morgan dropped the emeralds.”
    “Found ‘em again, didn’t I!” Morgan huffed. He reached inside a pouch and pulled something out in his fist. He hurled the object—a small, dirt-encrusted bundle of linen—at Kali.
    Kail recognized it at once. It was the same bundle he’d unearthed with his father’s sword from the cemetery in Esmeltatan. One end was torn open. Kail could see twin points of green glittering against the white linen: two more emeralds— flawless stones matching the gem in his father’s sword.
    “You stole them?” he asked incredulously.
    Don’t let their doltish appearances fool you, said Cesira. These huts are well known—and wanted—burglars in the finer districts ofWaterdeep, Arabel, and gods know where else.
    “Those baubles would have kept us comfortable for several winters,” Morgan complained.
    “He’s right,” Kail said, fingering the stones. He fought down his instinctive anger at Morgan’s theft and instead looked at Laerin. “Why didn’t you keep them?”
    “Because you’re going to need them,” Laerin said. He nodded at Cesira. “They speak, much like your lady’s stones.”
    Kail felt his neck grow warm, but he refused to be distracted by the half-elf s teasing. “Show me.”
    Laerin took one of the emeralds back, fisting it in the palm of his hand. “Morel,” he said aloud. He waited a beat, then raised the stone to his mouth and spoke a handful of words in
    Elvish. Kali did not understand any of them. A breath later, Kali looked down at his sword in surprise. The emerald in the hilt glowed, luminous against the platinum veins.
    “Touch the stone in your sword and speak your family name,” Laerin instructed him.
    Curious, Kali did as he said and felt the emerald grow warm. He heard Laerin s Elvish speech coming from the stone, a perfect echo of what the half-elf had said. An instant later, the words repeated, this time in Common.
    Friends in the dark.
    Kali lowered his weapon. “I had no idea the stones were linked.”
    “No matter the language, the gems will translate. They have another power,” Laerin said. He dropped the second emerald in Kail’s open hand. “Anyone who possesses one of the emeralds can locate the other two at any time, no matter the distance.”
    “Been tracking you since you left the hut,” said

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