Lyon on a Leash
soon as he swallowed, he chuckled. “Yes, ma’am.”
    Under her watchful eyes, he polished off two full plates. When he was done, he drank a bottle of water and cleaned the area around them. A few minutes later, the DJ started playing music. A look of horror crossed his face at the idea of the entertainment part of the social. He’d forgotten.
    “Do you dance?” she asked him.
    He swallowed hard before he spoke. “Very badly, ma’am.”

Chapter Four
    Marcus took his place, standing behind his Mistress. Never in his wildest dreams had he expected the sexiest woman in the room to purchase him. For a horrible moment, he’d thought Mistress Angel would win the bid. Relief had threatened to cripple him when she lost to his Mistress.
    He leaned forward and asked softly, “Mistress, may I ask your name?”
    “Mistress Rose.” Her eyes searched his, he wasn’t sure for what, so he remained still. “My given name is Vera Knight.”
    His cock had been at half mast since she’d walked into the room before the auction. The husky cadence of her voice went straight to his shaft, causing it to rise. He glanced down at the tops of her full breasts and then at her toned thighs. If she’d been overweight before, she’d done a great job creating a curvy package. In his mind, her hourglass figure was damn perfect. His mouth watered as her dress inched up while she crossed her leg. Yep, her body was perfection.
    The fact that she’d actually read his profile and researched his work shocked him senseless. She was the first ever to talk to him about anything not kink-related. She’d even seen the graphic novels he and his college roommate had put out a few years back. He’d only added that nugget of information because Ada had cautioned him to be as transparent as possible. He owed her for that bit of advice.
    As far as he knew, his Mistress was the only one to have ever checked him out to that degree. Her thoroughness impressed him. He was certain she was a powerhouse in the courtroom.
    His chest rose and stuck out a tad. She had chosen him before they had met. He couldn’t believe those programs actually worked.
    “Hello, Mistress Rose, I’m Mistress Em, a friend of Marguerite.” She took his Mistress’ hand and pumped it before turning her attention toward him.
    “Congratulations, Marcus.”
    He nodded. “Thank you, ma’am.”
    “That was quite a stunt you pulled off back there. I bid on him myself. There are a few jealous gents and Dommes.”
    His Mistress shrugged, unconcerned. “I wanted him. I bought him.”
    He couldn’t suppress his grin.
    Em burst out laughing. “Just like Marguerite. I like that. Still, I feel pretty good about my boys. I’m taking Michelle and Henry back to Virginia with me. Henry is the sweetest pain slut. He took to the rope and then the lash so well last night, I knew I had to have him. Michelle rounds out my house. He is a marvel in the kitchen. I can’t wait to get my hands on him. He made a lot of the food on the buffet.” She waved Michelle over; he held a plate in his hand. “Michelle, this is Mistress Rose.”
    He nodded. “Nice to meet you, ma’am.” He looked at him. “Marcus.”
    “Congratulations, Michelle,” Marcus said, glancing at the gold collar around his friend’s neck.
    Michelle’s gaze swung between Marcus and Vera. “Congratulations to you as well.”
    Em stretched her legs and began eating. A male approached, one on the shorter side, and sat on the floor next to her. Em ran her fingers through his hair and then grabbed his gold collar, pulling his head up for a quick peck on the lips.
    “Rose, this here is my new baby, Henry.”
    She nodded. “Henry.”
    “Nice to meet you, Mistress Rose. You’re very pretty.”
    “Thank you. This is Marcus.” She tipped her head in his direction.
    “Hey Marcus. Everybody was talking about how your Mistress paid top bucks for you.”
    “Hello, Henry,” Marcus said.
    His Mistress looked at him and winked.

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