Dreaming of a Blood Red Christmas
that they either had to tell the world, or contact me. Nothing beats corresponding with a person who fell in love with one of my books.
    I write for me and I write for my readers. Everything else is secondary.

What do your fans mean to you?
    One of two reasons why I write is because of the fans. Straight up, without that feedback it would be a very lonely and insular career. But when a fan posts on Facebook, or messages me through GoodReads, or simply drops me a line via email, the day brightens, the sun, whether shining or not, feels warm and my feet float a few centimetres off the floor.
    We all need a little love, and I LOVE hearing from fans of my work.
    It's important to me that they get what they want in the end, or as close to it as the story in my mind can allow. I listen to what they like, to their concerns for a character, or their frustrations with a storyline, sometimes smiling to myself because I know what's going to happen in the end, and I want to make it perfect for them. I can't always, but the will to do so grows exponentially whenever I get feedback from a fan. I don't know if they realise the power they wield!
    Every time someone contacts me to let me know they liked my work, the desire to do the very best that I can is reinforced. So, keep 'em coming. Let me know and I promise you'll always play an important part in the final story. You'll always play an important part in why I write the next line.

What are you working on next?
    I have so many stories going around inside my head, sometimes I wonder if I look a little spacey. Several current projects are taking up most of my daydreaming time, including the next Sweet Seduction book, as well as the next Mixed Blessing Mystery one as well.
    But as of today, the editing and final preparation of Dreaming Of A Blood Red Christmas (the Kindred Series Christmas Special Novella) is the piece of work that is currently on my mind. I loved writing a little more of Lucinda and Michel's story and can't wait to get it out there and see how readers find it. But I have the fifth Sweet Seduction book waiting patiently for me to finish as well, so that is also very much on my mind right now.
    For me, it's important to write when the mood takes me. I find my best work is when the creativity flows and isn't forced. So although I was in the throes of finishing a Sweet Seduction book, I just took time out to write the Christmas Novella, because the desire struck. Sometimes I can be writing up to three different books at once.
    If the mood takes me, I'm there.
    So, keep an eye out for new books in Sweet Seduction, Mixed Blessing Mystery and Elemental Awakening. Oh, and I'm toying with a contemporary romantic suspense story about a paramedic with a twist. Is it any wonder I look a little spacey sometimes?

Who are your favourite authors?
    Oh my, that is a very long list. But not surprisingly one that is predominantly filled with paranormal romance writers - my genre of choice.
    The person that influenced me the most, and made me think about putting myself and my stories out there, is New Zealander Nalini Singh. I love her Guild Hunter series.
    Follow that up, in no particular order, with J.R. Ward, Karen Chance, Patricia Briggs, Kresley Cole, Karen Marie Moning, Richelle Mead, Dianne Duvall and Darynda Jones.... whew! And still there's so many more I have enjoyed over the years.
    J.K. Rowling has a special place in my heart too. Love me some Harry Potter, that's for sure.

What inspires you to get out of bed each day?
    So much...
    My kids and my hubby.
    The next scene to write in my latest book I've just dreamt about.
    Catching a trout on the Tauranga-Taupo or Hinemaiaia Rivers.
    Going for a walk along the foreshore of beautiful Lake Taupo.
    Seeing if I've received any more nice reviews overnight.
    The book I'm currently reading.
    Going out on our boat and soaking up the sun.
    Oh, and did I mention coffee?

When you're not writing, how do you

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