Dreaming of a Blood Red Christmas
spend your time?
    With my family. I have two young, energetic and gorgeous boys. And a husband who means the world to me. Without them I couldn't write. I wouldn't have an everlasting romance story of my own to call upon, or the countless humorous moments with the kids to fill me to the brim with joy. I strongly believe none of my books would have been nearly as good as they are without my family. And that's not even considering the technical support my hubby offers. Just being with them makes my world a better place.
    So, when not writing I'm doing something with them. We love to fish for trout, either on the lake at Taupo or up one of the world class fly-fishing rivers nearby. In winter we ski on Mt Ruapehu, at the Whakapapa Ski-field. In summer we swim at the end of our street in the bay. We go for drives and have picnics. The boys help me bake cakes, and we all help hubby when he's got a project on, like the chicken coop to beat all chicken coops he built a couple of summers ago.
    There's always something to do, and we always do it together. My family is how I spend my down time, and I thank my lucky stars every day for each one of them.

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