Pieces of Jade (Pirates of Orea)

Free Pieces of Jade (Pirates of Orea) by Lani Woodland, Melonie Piper

Book: Pieces of Jade (Pirates of Orea) by Lani Woodland, Melonie Piper Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lani Woodland, Melonie Piper
I stared at Pearl. How had I not realized that ? The only way to atone for breaking an Edict was death. The thought of not dying for my actions, of living with my mistake—of being denied that final absolution for sins—felt like a different kind of death. And somehow, it was so much worse.
    Pearl smoothed back my hair. “Will you escape so Orea can live?”
    I nodded. “Yes, but we must explain it to James. He has to understand.”
    Lady Meredith shook her head. “There isn’t time. I was afraid I would be too late. They may be on their way down here, even now. Here, take this.” She drew me to my feet and passed me a bundle of clothes. “Change quickly. If you dress as a boy, you should be able to travel safely. We’re getting you out of here.”
    She turned me around, her deft fingers quickly undoing the row of thin buttons down my spine and shedding me of my petticoats and skirts.
    Once I was dressed in my new clothes, Lady Meredith spoke again. “You have to forgive yourself, Jade. It was an accident. I know it. We must hurry. My husband will likely find out about your execution. He will not react well. I’m afraid—” She trailed off, looking stricken, and kissed my forehead as she pressed a travel sack into my hands and led me out of my cell. “In the pouch is a map to a witch in Castleport. She will help you if you mention my name. And give her this letter.”
    “A witch?” I staggered back as I realized what she was suggesting. Wit ches—Guardians turned evil—could not be trusted. But I took the thick envelope, and tucked it inside my blouse.
    Lady Meredith must have seen the doubt in my face. “Believe me when I say she’ll help you.” She grabbed my shoulders and shook me slightly. “Promise me you'll find her and give her this letter. It is of extreme importance.”
    “I promise,” I managed to mumble, my mind still slow with confusion.
    The rustle of clothes drew my attention to my sister, exchanging her dress for mine. “Pearl?”
    “I’m going to be a decoy. To give you more time to escape.” She drew a shawl over her head, hiding her face and hair. Wearing that, she could easily pass for me. “I’ll go another way and lead them off your path.”
    “I can’t let you do this. It’s too dangerous,” I told them both. “You could both lose your medallions.”
    “We’ll be right as rain if you go right now.” Lady Meredith said. “The king hasn’t condemned you to death. James’s orders aren’t law yet.”
    James didn’t have the power to make royal decrees? That seemed odd. August used to make them often. “Are you sure? Still my medall—”
    “Trust me, Jade.”
    Pearl lowered the hood so I could see her eyes. “Either way, it’s too late. We’ve come too far now.”
    Lady Meredith nodded. “If you don’t go now, we’ll all be arrested and it will have been for nothing.”
    “You must go, Jade,” Pearl said. “Be brave.”
    Lady Meredith opened the cell door, the rusty hinges squeaking in protest. I stared at them. “I—”
    Pearl put her fingers to her lips to silence me and peered outside the jail doors. She gave me a tight hug. “I love you. Never doubt that.”
    Before I could put my arms around her she disappeared into the darkness.
    Lady Meredith guided me down a dank hallway, the moans of its inhabitants making my skin crawl.
    She talked over her shoulder as we walked. “The lights in the courtyard are out, and the gates are unlocked. Someone will let down the barrier while you pass through. Don’t get caught on your way there or you’ll be beyond my help.”
    “Where is Castleport?” I asked, panic beginning to fill my chest as I hurried after her toward the prison doors. “What if I get lost?”
    “Head east and follow the map. It isn’ t too far outside the kingdom.”
    The world around me seemed to tilt and slide as I finally understood her meaning.
    I looked at her in horror. “You’re sending me beyond the barrier? Out into the

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