Rainbow Blues

Free Rainbow Blues by KC Burn

Book: Rainbow Blues by KC Burn Read Free Book Online
Authors: KC Burn
he was brilliant. Of course, if Jimmy was as sexy in the shower as he was out of it, Luke might be able to accommodate with a little more than a kiss.

Chapter 4

    L UKE STRETCHED and kept his eyes closed, trying to hold on to sleep just a little longer, despite the light banging on his eyelids. The scent of Jimmy, indelibly imprinted on his brain after only one night, permeated the sheets. Flipping over, he buried his nose in the pillow and inhaled like a lovesick teenager. But he didn’t have to moon over Jimmy’s scent. Not when he could kiss and touch and taste the man himself. Eyes still closed, he reached out… and reached out. The sheets might still smell like Jimmy, but they were cold from a man who’d long since awoken.
    Some of Luke’s comfort bled away. Sitting up, he opened his eyes. Jimmy was nowhere to be seen, and Luke had slept in later than he usually did at his apartment. A couple of energetic orgasms with another person were better than any sleeping pill ever invented. Waking up alone, though, was unexpected. The door to the bedroom was shut, and Luke was certain they’d left it open after their midnight shower.
    Without Jimmy’s facial expressions to guide him, Luke was lost. Was he supposed to wait here? Leave? They hadn’t exchanged numbers, but if Luke had imagined the connection between them last night, maybe that’s what Jimmy wanted. In the cold light of day, Luke found it easy to understand if he’d misread the situation. After all, having an emotional connection so quickly was impossible, wasn’t it? That didn’t stop the jagged wrench of grief at the loss of something special, no matter how briefly he’d thought it had been a part of his life. Stupid. He was too old for this nonsense. Falling in love was something for young people. Boyfriends were for other people, not someone who’d been so repressed his whole adult life he was imagining hearts and flowers and forever after one spectacular one-night stand.
    As he yanked on his clothes, he took a closer look at the mounds of snow outside the window. It was going to be a fucking pain to get a cab or trudge through all that snow to pick up his car, but he’d remember this lesson for next time. Like he’d told his son many times over the years, mistakes were regrettable but even worse would be not to learn from them. Luke would learn not to get so invested.
    Right now, he was tempted to go home and burn the dress pants and expensive sweater Zach had made him buy for the play, since he’d been adamant Luke couldn’t attend in his customary jeans and T-shirt combo. Stupid, yes, because just as he’d rationalized when he purchased it, there were other places he’d be able to wear the outfit, like Zach’s upcoming graduation.
    He raked his fingers through his hair and took a deep breath. This uncertainty was ridiculous. Even if he’d misread the situation, the only one who’d know it was him.
    Didn’t stop him from noting the nice, homey touches Jimmy had made to his bedroom. Jimmy’s place wasn’t much better than the concrete bunker masquerading as Luke’s apartment, and yet, Jimmy’s didn’t seem quite as dreary. It wouldn’t kill Luke to buy a couple of paintings and a few colorful blankets.
    With one last look around the room to make sure he hadn’t left anything behind, Luke drew in a deep breath and opened the door.
    Music spilled out, cheery and bouncy. Luke wasn’t sure if the tune was familiar because it was something Zach and Ryan listened to in his presence or if he’d maybe just heard it on the radio. Frowning, he walked down the hall. He still needed his coat before he could leave.
    Standing in the entryway beside the radiator where Jimmy had hung his jacket last night, Luke had a perfect view into the kitchen.
    Shaking his lanky body, Jimmy stood by the stove and sang along to the fluffy pop song. No wonder he’d assumed Jimmy was so much younger. Between the guy’s energy and his upbeat and positive

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