Rainbow Blues

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Book: Rainbow Blues by KC Burn Read Free Book Online
Authors: KC Burn
it sure as shit shouldn’t be about power.
    “I want that, too.”
    “You do?” It couldn’t be that easy, could it?
    “But just so you’re aware….”
    Sudden tension knotted the muscles in Luke’s shoulders. Was this where the bomb dropped?
    “I talk. A lot.”
    Relief crashed over Luke.
    “Just so long as you realize I don’t. Not usually.”
    “See?” Jimmy’s voice had dropped. “We’re getting to know each other better already.”
    Relief instantly gave way to lust, and Luke couldn’t resist those lips so temptingly close to his.
    The kiss wasn’t a frantic explosion like their first kiss last night, but it held so much promise that it made Luke tremble and tighten his grip on Jimmy’s head. How would Jimmy feel about sex in the kitchen? Probably wasn’t sanitary, but there weren’t kids in the place, and Luke had never had dirty gotta-have-you sex in the kitchen.
    A blaring alarm doused them like cold water, and Jimmy sprang out of his arms to rescue the blackened smoky mass of whatever in the fry pan. Burnt food wasn’t a first for Luke, and he snatched up a dish towel to circulate the air below the smoke alarm.
    Within a few moments, the piercing noise had ceased, but a smoky pall hung in the air. Luke had to smile. He’d never been so caught up in kissing that he’d missed something burning on the stove. They could save the kitchen sex for later. Luke was quickly realizing that sex with Jimmy was more vital to him than any sex had been before, and he didn’t care where they had it.
    Jimmy turned from the blackened pan, an impish expression on his face. “I knew you were hot, Luke, but no need to set off my smoke alarms.”
    Luke chuckled. “It’s probably not sexy of me to say I’m glad that they at least work.” When he’d been looking for apartments he’d seen far too many that hadn’t been up to code in so many respects. His apartment might be a shithole, but it was a structurally sound, well-maintained shithole.
    Jimmy swayed toward him, bringing that cotton-clad ass closer. “I dunno. It’s pretty sexy having someone worry about my safety.”
    That wouldn’t be any trouble. Between having a kid and being responsible for dangerous work sites, that instinct had been hardwired in him a long time ago. Caring for Jimmy would only make it stronger.
    Once Jimmy’s hips were in range, he snaked out a hand and grabbed a handful of that ass. Jimmy groaned, and the heat between them flared up again, hotter than the flames on the stove.
    Luke’s stomach growled, making Jimmy laugh. “Maybe I’d better start on breakfast, so we’ve got enough energy to lie around in bed all day.”
    “Good idea.” He gave Jimmy a quick kiss. After all, it had been a long time since he’d had two orgasms in a twenty-four-hour period, and now he was prepping to get his third. His balls might never recover, but he wasn’t sure he cared. “Can I help?”
    Jimmy pursed his lips and looked him over from head to toe. “You can start by getting out of those clothes. We’ve got no reason to leave here until….” A faint blush colored Jimmy’s cheeks. “I guess I was sort of hoping we could laze about all weekend, but that’s not really feasible. I’ve got to be at the playhouse by five, and we’ve got a matinee and evening show tomorrow.”
    Laze about all weekend with Jimmy. Mostly naked. Luke had maybe died and gone to heaven. But he certainly understood about responsibility and obligations, and he’d seen enough of Jimmy’s euphoria over the play to know that acting was more a labor of love than an obligation for him. Standing in the way of that wouldn’t be right, and if he’d given that advice to Zach or Ryan, then he needed to heed it himself.
    “That’s okay. I understand. I’m meeting my son for brunch tomorrow anyway, so as much as I’d love to spend the entire weekend with you, we both have commitments.” At least he’d had the good sense to park in one of the long-term

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