Metal & Lace (An Opposites Attract Novel Book 1)

Free Metal & Lace (An Opposites Attract Novel Book 1) by Lena Black

Book: Metal & Lace (An Opposites Attract Novel Book 1) by Lena Black Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lena Black
brownstone apartment building. And, besides being right around the corner from Magnolia Bakery, it’s within walking distance of some fabulous designer stores.
    We exit the cab, and I poke through my purse for the keys.
    “Whoa,” Gwen mumbles, clutching my arm and staggering a bit.
    “What’s wrong?” I ask, looking up.
    Gunnar walks toward us wearing a hooded sweatshirt, shredded jeans, and worn out boots. He looks hot.
    “We need to talk,” he states, not giving Gwen the time of day.
    “I think I’m going to head up,” she says, letting go of my arm.
    “Are you okay to go up on your own, sweets?”
    “Yeah, I’ll be fine. See you in a few?” I can see she’s eager to talk to me about it.
    “Sure, a few minutes.”
    She clumsily bolts up the stairs and into the building, leaving us alone on the tree-lined sidewalk at three in the morning.
    “Why are you here, Gunn?”
    He stares at me for a moment before speaking, “I wanted to see you, Lace.”
    “I thought we established I’m not the type of girl you go for. I’m the goody two shoes, remember? The good girl.”
    He grabs my arm, pulling me into the shadows and presses me against the wall of my building, just out of sight from others. He smashes his body into mine, pinning me with my hands above my head. His lips creep toward mine, stopping within half an inch, his hot breath caressing them.
    “Maybe I want a good girl.” He brushes his warm lips against mine. “Maybe I’m looking for something different.”
    Maybe we both were. I’ve done the ‘good’ boy. The man you’re supposed to marry, have kids with, build a life with, he broke me. Maybe different is exactly what I need.
    “But you’re leaving in a month.”
    “I don’t want to overthink things, Lace. I want you. I want to make you cum.” I feel everything tighten up at his raw words. “I need it, baby. I haven’t been able to think about anything but you these past few days.”
    “I’ve been thinking about you, too, Gunn,” I confess.
    “I love hearing that, baby.” He places his forehead against mine, releasing a long breath. “I better go.”
    He lets go of me and takes a step back.
    “But aren’t you going to come upstairs?” That sounded just a little too desperate. Reel it in.
    “No, I’m not. You’re drunk. I won’t take advantage of that. When you fuck me, you’re going to be present. You’re going to feel everything. You’re going to remember I was there.”
    “Aren’t you the gentleman.”
    “Hardly. I’ve done the drunk thing, Lace. I told you, I want something different.”
    “Well, will you at least kiss me goodnight?”
    He moves back in, smiling wickedly, and presses his mouth into mine. His tongue coerces my lips apart, thrusting inside, playing with mine. It flicks and twirls, enticing me to do the same. He breaks away, breathless, eyes shut tight. He looks as if he were fighting himself.
    He opens his eyes, boring them into mine. Even in the shadows, their clear brilliance can’t be contained. “I want you, baby doll. Let me have you.”
    I don’t want to give all of myself away tonight, show him all my cards, so I come up with an answer I feel comfortable giving him.
    I smile at him and he smirks back, tilting his head to the side.
    “No worries…I will get what I want. And I want you, Lace.”
    With one last nip at my bottom lip, he’s gone, leaving me plastered against the wall with my heart thumping in my chest.

    “You filthy whore!” Gwen yells at me as I walk through the door, a huge grin spreading her cheeks from ear to ear. “You better tell me every filthy detail. Like yesterday.”
    I plop my purse on the table near the front door. “There’s not much to tell.”
    “You’re not just a filthy whore. You’re a filthy, lying whore,” she giggles out. “You’re telling me you didn’t let him pet your kitty?”
    “My kitty? Really?”
    She waves me off. “How did you meet Gunnar Haze?”

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