Divas Las Vegas

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Book: Divas Las Vegas by Rob Rosen Read Free Book Online
Authors: Rob Rosen
get the vase back
and have sex with him. (In no particular order.) And that's
when the phone rang.
    "Now what?" Justin sighed, irately.
    "I'll get it," I said, and did. Guess who it was?
    "Good morning, sexy." Yep, it was Chris. Damn, when
it rains, it pours, don't it?
    "Oh, hi, Chris."
    "Did I wake you?"
    "Um, no, we were just sitting here... Sitting here..."
Marvin was staring at me, making me quite nervous.
    "Yes, you woke us," Justin shouted from his bed.
    "No, no, we were already awake. What's up?"
    "Just wondering if you'd like to get together tomorrow
night. I don't have to work and I thought we could play."
    Man, that was a toughie. I had one man in my bed and
another one on the phone. Should I say yes? Should I say
no? They were both adorable. I knew what Justin would say.
Actually, he'd probably invite the one on the phone to join the
two in the bed. But I hated to use these seemingly nice men
that way. (Did I mention that they were both adorable?) "Sure, Chris, that sounds great. Why don't you come
over here at, say, seven? Okay?"

    I was trying not to sound too excited. Didn't want to
make Marvin suspicious. Justin gazed over from his side of
the bed, knowing what I had just agreed to, and gave me
that I've taught you well, Luke, now use the force wisely
look. The force, unfortunately, was weak in me. Justin
was hogging it all. Still, now that Marvin was helping us,
my stay in Vegas should've been dramatically cut short, so
maybe I could get away with stringing two men along. Gay
men have been doing that for eons. Genetically, I should
have been amply prepared. Anyway, I figured, if one didn't
work out, I could use the other for backup. A spare, so to
    "My cousin," I explained to Marvin when I hung up the
phone. "He lives in Vegas. Haven't seen him in a while, and
we're going to get together tomorrow night." That sounded
good. Who could argue with that? Maybe this would work
out after all.
    "That's nice. Maybe we could all go out together, then,"
Marvin suggested. (Uh-oh.)
    "No, I don't-"
    "Hey, we still need that answer," Justin said, coming to
the rescue. "Will you help us?"
    Again with the pause. "I'll see what I can do. I do actually know a few people who work on that show; maybe they
can help. No promises, but I'll try. Now am I forgiven?"
    I looked at him, then at the flowers, then over to Justin.
"Sure, why not?"
    "Hallelujah," Justin shouted.
    "Hallelujah," Marvin echoed. "Now I have to go to that
convention. I'll come pick you up at six and then we can go
do dinner, okay?"
    Justin said, "How about seven? I prefer a late din-din."
    "I think he meant just me and him," I pointed out, and Marvin nodded a yes.

    "Fine, your loss. Have fun. Don't worry about poor little
old me. Alone in the big city, not knowing a soul. I'll be
    "Whatever, brave heart," I said, getting out of bed to
walk Marvin to the door. I wrote down Mary's name and
the details from the show, and handed them to our new
    "See you soon," Marvin said, leaning up to kiss me.
Mmm, I got instant lumpage in my boxers. It didn't go
    "Ooh, how will I ever make it through the day thinking
about that?" he moaned, releasing the beast he now held
in his hand. I had never stood in a hotel hallway with a
boner before. And the maid down the hall had never seen
one there either, apparently. She screamed, made the sign of
the cross over her chest, and dropped her towels to the floor.
I turned beet red, gave Marvin a peck on the lips, told him
I'd see him at six, and hopped back into our room, slamming the door behind me.
    Justin, rolling with laughter, peeked from under his
covers and shouted, "Slut!"
    "Takes one to know one."
    "Touche. Now let's go eat breakfast. All this commotion
so early in the morning has given me an appetite."
    "Me too." But my appetite was for something completely
    We opted for the breakfast buffet at our hotel. Now, just a
quick piece of

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