Take a Gamble

Free Take a Gamble by Rachael Brownell

Book: Take a Gamble by Rachael Brownell Read Free Book Online
Authors: Rachael Brownell
morning and my parents are ready to take me to the airport. It took a lot of begging and pleading to be able to do this alone. My mom still isn’t a huge fan of the idea but she gave up fighting.
    I see her side of it. If something major is wrong with me, and chances are there is something major wrong, then she won’t be there to discuss things with the doctor. I will have to handle things on my own. I will emotionally have to handle things on my own.
    Yes. I get it. I do.
    What they don’t know is that I won’t be alone. Roe left for the airport about an hour ago to go back home to visit his grandma. Apparently this is normal for him. When he told me he knew the perfect person to cover for him I wasn’t thinking he would call his grandma.
    It doesn’t matter now. He will be waiting for me at the airport when I touch down. We agreed to meet at baggage claim to find each other. That works out really well since Alexa will be meeting me at baggage claim to pick me up and take me home. I wanted to tell her Roe would be there too, but I didn’t. That girl can’t keep a secret to save her life and I wasn’t going to have her spill the beans before we even got out of town. I will accept the consequences if we are caught. I at least want the option of getting caught, though.
    My nerves explode the second the plane touches down at O’Hare. My mind is going a mile a minute. What if we can’t find each other? What if we really do get caught? What if something is really wrong with me? What if he decided he doesn’t love me after spending time alone with me?
    The last one is the big one for me. I should be way more concerned with how sick I am. Right now, the only thing I’m concern with is finding Roe in the sea of people who are milling around the baggage claim. I scan the area once and don’t see him. I walk from one end to the other and I still don’t spot him.
    The baggage carousel starts circling so I move in that direction. Maybe he will find me. Maybe all I have to do is stay put and grab my bag. I know he’s here. His plane touched down well before mine did.
    Alexa. I turn to see my best friend running at me, full speed, with a huge smile on her face. She’s going to knock me over. I can see it happening, I’m playing the scene over and over again in my mind. I plant my feet, ready to take all 120 pounds of her.
    She wraps her arms around me and I’m about ready to topple over when strong hands grip my waist and hold me upright. I can’t help but smile. I knew he would find me. Now I need to detach Alexa from my neck. I pull her back and realize she has also noticed Roe.
    “Alexa, this is Roe. Roe, my best friend Alexa.” I’m trying to sound nonchalant but I’m really nervous. I need the two of them to like each other, to get along. They are the two most important people in my life.
    Roe reaches his hand towards Alexa as he wraps his free arm around my waist. “Nice to meet you.”
    Alexa’s bottom lip drops open slightly and I can’t help the laugh that escapes. “Alexa! Close your mouth.”
    She shakes her head like she’s clearing the fog and grabs hold of Roe’s hand, shaking it gently. “Nice to finally meet you, too.”
    “Alright, now that everyone has met, let’s grab my bag and get the heck out of here.” I turn to head towards the carousel when I see my bag sitting at my feet and Roe grinning at me. He’s so freaking sexy. I almost melt into a puddle at his feet.
    “Before we go anywhere, I have one question.” Leave it to Alexa to want to get it all out there. I motion for her to continue, knowing that Roe is in for a real treat. “First, does anyone know he’s here with you? You parents are going to freak, Mac. Not to mention, where is he supposed to be staying? With you? Alone? That’s going to send your mother straight to the grave.”
    I can’t help but smile. I love my best friend. “No and yes. Let’s get out of here and I will explain everything.

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