Anathema (Causal Enchantment, #1)
enough clothing to last me a lifetime. Growing up, my mother
never had enough money for more than a pair of Wranglers and tennis
shoes at one time. My foster families were required to ensure I had
an adequate selection of clean, hole–free clothing, but there was
never enough money to indulge in a pair of designer jeans, let
alone go hog wild. This was beyond excessive.
    “ You’re right,” she said, her brow
furrowing in thought. A devilish smile spread her lips. “Follow
    I remained clueless of her intentions until I
saw the Harry Winston sign. Jewelry. I groaned.
    Marching in, she headed straight for a counter
and turned to me. “Pick something out, Evangeline,” she
    I swallowed, gazing down at the display cases
full of sparkling jewels. “I don’t need—”
    “ Okay, this one.” She pointed to a
diamond bracelet. The clerk rushed to pull it out. “Wrist,” Sofie
    I obliged. The clerk slipped on the bracelet. I
turned my arm slowly, watching the light reflect off the countless
stones. It was stunning. “How much is it?” I asked. When the clerk
told me I choked, my eyes bugging out of my head in shock. “Get it
off! Please!”
    “ We’ll buy it,” Sofie
    “ Sofie! I don’t need a bracelet!
That could pay for college!” My stomach churned as the words left
my mouth, the truth of it distressing. It would take me a lifetime
to save that kind of money.
    She ignored me, wrenching my purse from my arm
and pulling out a wad of money. The clerk behind the counter raised
an eyebrow but remained quiet, likely calculating his commission.
Sofie calmly counted out bills—a thick pile of them—with the ease
of someone paying for her weekly groceries.
    “ Thank you!” she said, smiling at
the clerk. “Okay, we’re done.” She handed me the box holding the
    I stared at her, flabbergasted, wondering what
this wild woman had done with the reserved, graceful Sofie I had
met only days ago.
    Surprise flashed in her minty eyes then, and
she sighed. “I must seem a little erratic today,” she murmured,
smiling sheepishly. “I’m sorry. It’s just … you deserve a hundred
times more than anything Viggo and Mortimer could ever buy
    I frowned. “I don’t understand—”
    She cut me off, grabbing hold of my arm. “Come
on.” She led me out the door. I clutched the box with the bracelet
to my chest with my free hand, visions of a mugger waiting to
pounce and steal it playing through my head.
    “ Where to now?” Sofie
    “ Why don’t we just window shop for a
bit?” I suggested.
You’ve won! You’ve punished Viggo and
Mortimer for whatever they did to you
    But Sofie hadn’t even heard me. She was busy
scanning the pedestrians and cars along Fifth Avenue yet again.
Wearing that look again.
    “ What’s wrong, Sofie?”
    Silence. I watched quietly as her expression
turned from suspicion to comprehension to fury.
    “ Come,” she suddenly said, hooking
onto my arm and tugging me forward. “I’m tired. It’s time to go
home.” She practically threw me into the car. “Home. Now,” she
ordered Leonardo. The wheels squealed as we cut into traffic and
raced off, earning several angry blasts from horns.

    “ Leonardo, please help Evangeline
with her things,” Sofie called out over her shoulder, marching
through the red doors at Viggo and Mortimer’s expansive abode.
“Viggo!” I heard her yell.
    Max galloped over to stand by my side while I
stared after Sofie, my head still spinning from the chaotic
afternoon with her. I turned to see Leonardo struggling with
countless shopping bags, not at all ruffled by Sofie’s dark mood.
“I can do that.” I ran over, grabbing the bags out of his
    The sound of glass breaking and Sofie’s shrill
voice stopped me in my tracks. “Someone’s watching us!” she
screamed. Silence followed, presumably while Viggo tried to calm
her. It didn’t work. “Do you think this is another one of

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