What Remains_Mutation
I’m not going to stop. It’s just not enough.”
    Rhys drew himself up, nodding to Emersyn and Hunter. “We’ll go.”
    Sully watched as Harper’s eyes bulged wide before she shook her head.
    She gave him a desperate glance before facing Rhys. “And how are you going to find your way there? Do you really think a covert CIA facility is on your local map? Unless you’ve been there, you’ll never find it.” She held up her hand, indicating she wasn’t done. “And before you ask, no…it’s not like I can simply give you directions. Even if you found the facility, the building’s a maze inside. I’d have to take you there. Personally.”
    Rhys’ expression firmed. “And that’s a problem.”
    He wasn’t asking. Harper’s body tensed and Sully could tell by the way her muscles flexed, she felt threatened.
    He tugged her against him again. “Rhys. Don’t.”
    The man growled. “We’re talking about a possible cure, Sully. A permanent one.”
    “I know what the fuck we’re talking about. I’m not naïve. But you’re making it sound as if Harper doesn’t have a choice.”
    Rhys stared at him.
    Sully growled. “Fuck that. This isn’t marshal law. The last time I checked, we didn’t force people to go on suicide missions.”
    “You heard her. We won’t find it unless she goes. Case closed.”
    Cogan echoed Sully’s previous displeasure, drawing himself up as Jake followed suit. Neither man moved, but they’d made their intentions clear.
    Rhys glared at them, stepping forward. “She’s not the only one who’d be taking a risk.”
    Sully snorted. “Is that supposed to make this morally right? Will it help you sleep at night if she dies—”
    “Boys. Enough.” Harper turned to him, an odd emotion clouding her eyes as she raised her hand, drawing a finger along his jaw. She looked completely out of her element.
    She gave Cogan and Jake similar gazes, her brow furrowed, her breathing increasing before she shook her head. Sully watched her, wondering if she’d ever had anyone stand up for her.
    She graced him with a stunning smile then turned back to the others. “I didn’t say I wouldn’t go. But it’s a pipe dream at best. The mutation started there a couple of weeks before we left. Damn things run like the wind. And forget about walls keeping you safe. They scale those. I barely made it out. I had to break through a second story window. Cracked two ribs. And that’s when Lelin was somewhat cooperative. The last thing I saw was a sea of pale skin swarming the building.”
    The lines around Rhys’ mouth tightened, but he didn’t back down. “This isn’t our first rodeo, honey. We’ll see you safely in and out.”
    “You?” She half-laughed. “You want me to get you the serum? Fine. But I’ll go alone.”
    A knot formed in the pit of Sully’s gut. No fucking way she’d go without him, Cogan and Jake leading the damn way. Simple as that.
    He snagged her waist. “Like fucking hell you will.”
    She spun to face him. “Sully.”
    “Sully’s right.” Rhys moved closer. “There’s no way you’re going alone. This is too important to risk that you won’t make it back. And then there’s the matter of trust…”
    Harper glared at him. “Thanks. Glad I made the first concession for nothing.”
    Barrett stepped between them, palming Rhys’ chest. “What Rhys means is that we can’t ask you to take this on if we aren’t willing to risk our lives for it, too. It’s only fair.”
    “Somehow I don’t think fair is what he’s worried about.”
    She huffed, marching to the other side of the room. Sully watched her war with some internal demon, periodically glancing at the door. His gut clenched, afraid she’d simple dart out of the room and out of their lives, but she sighed instead, turning to lean against the wall. Her brow crinkled, and he knew she’d reached a decision.
    The tension eased from her shoulders and for the first time, he caught a true glimpse of the operative

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