Submitting to the Boss
intended to pay for the apartment. She wouldn’t ask that, but the
idea was thrilling, like something out of an old forties movie
where a powerful man kept his secretary as his mistress and came to
her every night before he went home to his wife. Ruby imagined
herself in sexy lounging pajamas, offering him his slippers. Then
she almost laughed; she’d never been the domestic type.
    As she was mulling over the ramifications,
Holt was writing on a piece of notepaper. “Here’s the address. Go
see it tonight after work.”
    She recognized the street. It was fairly
close to the office, but farther from Holt’s home than the hotel.
“I suppose you picked it,” she drawled, “so you can take me there
for a quickie at lunch.”
    His eyes suddenly smoked, and he was on her
in a second, imprisoning her chin between his fingers. “I prefer
doing filthy things to you right here in my office.” He bit her lip
just short of pain, and something sexy and delectable slid through
her. “I like the risk,” he murmured.
    So did she. It was incredibly exciting to
think that anyone could knock on his door at any time. Someone
might even have heard her today. What if one day she accidentally
forgot to lock the door?
    He dropped his hold on her and stepped back.
“It’s a one-bedroom,” he told her. “You don’t need more.”
    Because she’d be spending most of her time at
his house? Ruby liked the idea, though she wondered if she was
turning milquetoast by allowing him to be so dictatorial. “I’ll be
the judge of that.”
    “Ruby, sweet, I’m the judge of everything
where you’re concerned. Don’t forget it.” Then he put on his
professional face. “Now, don’t you have some work to do?”
    “Yes, sir.” She saluted, turned, and sashayed
to the door, giving him an extra wiggle. When she was in her own
outer office, she heard the rustle of the blinds as he opened them
    That’s the way it was the rest of the
afternoon. She worked; he acted as if she hadn’t been sprawled
across his desk just a short time ago. But Ruby couldn’t forget
even if she tried. Her bottom reminded her every second, tingling,
leaving her in a constant state of arousal.
    By five o’clock, she was ready to jump him.
Instead, she took her purse from the bottom desk drawer, poked her
head in his office, and asked, “Do you need anything else before I
leave?” Please drag me in and tell me to suck you.
    “No.” Obviously he hadn’t heard her inner
voice screaming at him.
    “All right.” She waited a beat; he didn’t add
anything. “I’ll see you tomorrow.”
    Her cell phone rang in the car just as she
was pulling out of the parking lot. She tapped the Bluetooth.
    Holt’s voice filled the car, filled her.
“Call me after you’ve been to the apartment.”
    “You couldn’t have said that before I
    He laughed. “I’d rather do it now and make it
an order. Call me with every detail. I want you to be in your
bathtub with a glass of wine, lots of bubbles, and steam all over
the mirror.”
    How did he know she loved a bath exactly that
way? Had Clay talked? What the hell, why ask why? Holt knew
everything about her; that’s what mattered.
    “Yes, sir,” she said, just as she had when
she walked out of his office after he’d punished her. She hoped it
reminded him.
    But he was gone, and she didn’t know for
    In a quiet, tree-lined neighborhood, the
apartment complex was only a few blocks on the other side of the
freeway. She didn’t see a lot of kids running around by the
carports or out on the central lawn. That was a plus. Ruby wasn’t a
kid person. Holt had also written down the website, and when she’d
checked it out during a spare moment this afternoon, she saw why
he’d told her only about the one-bedroom. She couldn’t afford
anything larger.
    There wasn’t a pool or a Jacuzzi, but there
was always her gym or the bathtub if she needed a good soak. Four
buildings surrounded the lawn, and the

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