March With Venus: 94 Love Games (Book 7)

Free March With Venus: 94 Love Games (Book 7) by Karma Peters

Book: March With Venus: 94 Love Games (Book 7) by Karma Peters Read Free Book Online
Authors: Karma Peters
succeed while implementing them.

Have a bucket list.
    I think that a bucket kicks the brain in an active mode, relegating to the backburner the lethargic elements – think passivity, risk and laziness – that keep our neurons in a passive mode.
    You can apply the bucket list to almost anything in your life, including romance.
    So here is a question for you: Are you ready for the ultimate trip of your life?
    If tomorrow were your last day on Earth, what would you do today? What changes would you make, right now, as you are reading this book? Whom would you call, and what would you tell him or her?
    This is not a far-fetched question, though. And I know society has death solidly established in its taboo list, the sort of thing you don’t talk about until…well, you have to.
    But I see things differently, and I think it is valuable to plan your life quietly and effectively, and not worry too much about death or the afterlife.
    As my grandpa once said “When you’re gone, you’re gone!”
    At a minimum, you need to plan your life to avoid some slip-ups and have an optimal existence.
    Big word here: optimal existence.
    Let me clarify it.
    An optimal existence is a life filled with happiness but also with the right amount of checked things on your To Do List.
    See, you need a list of things to do. And then you need to check things off that list through hard work.
    Some people like to have a To Do list because it makes them feel organized and actively working on something.
    But that is a façade, a waste of time for…themselves.
    Don’t fall for that. Write a bucket list, and try to complete it as much as you can.

Never take things for granted.
    Don’t take your relationship or partner for granted.
    Things change, you know?
    Cynthia Ozick once said that “ we often take for granted the very things that most deserve our gratitude.”
    This could not be truer! Most humans have amnesia when it comes to appreciating things and people that have rewarded them for a long time.
    When something works perfectly, don’t forget how hard it was to set it up originally. Similarly, don’t be unruly or unappreciative of someone who has showered you with his or her love and affection for a long time.
    Sometimes, saying thank you can do wonders in someone’s day, week…or life.

Seek compromise.
    In everything you do in life, whether it is in or outside the bedroom, favor compromise.
    Owen Darbishire is an expert in organizational behavior, employee relations and decision making who teaches at Oxford University and has done extensive research on everything from compromise to negotiation to organizational effectiveness.
    The topic of compromise is central to Professor Darbishire’s research, and he shows clearly how companies can decide quickly and boost internal decision-making by having the right framework of compromise.
    That is very important because internal rivalry — or interdepartmental animosity, whichever you prefer — has a corrosive effect on companies’ productivity and profitability/
    Now, guess what?
    The same thing applies to individuals, because, remember, companies are operated and managed by individuals.
    If you are not happy, you will not be productive. If you are not productive, there starts a downward spiral for your company…and also you, when your manager finds out and shows you the exit door.
    What is the gist of all this?
    Seek compromise in life, so you can spread happiness around you.
    Being happy also means letting go of opinions you hold dear, so the other person also can make a favorable analytical movement toward you, embracing your viewpoint partially or wholeheartedly.
    My mother always says that compromise is not just the middle solution, it is the best solution.
    Let that idea sink in as you read this book.
    In everything you do, moderation should be essential.
    And moderation shows you the value of the middle way, the medium alternative between one extreme view and another extreme view.
    If you

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