Crusader (Battle Born Book 1)

Free Crusader (Battle Born Book 1) by Cyndi Friberg

Book: Crusader (Battle Born Book 1) by Cyndi Friberg Read Free Book Online
Authors: Cyndi Friberg
then she whispered, “She had me institutionalized for eight months when I was seventeen and Dad did nothing .” Her chin quivered and a fresh rush of tears escaped her eyes. “I was too ashamed to admit that to any of her friends. I’m not sure why I told you.”
    He was starting to think he knew why she felt comfortable with him, but she was certainly not ready to hear it. He shrugged instead, minimizing the significance. “Sometimes it’s easier to talk to a stranger. Go on. I’m a good listener.”
    “Mom pulled me out of school and hired private tutors. The shrinks told her stress could trigger another ‘episode’, so she treated me like a damaged child who might flip out at any moment.” A harsh sob shook her shoulders. “I wasn’t damaged. I’d just seen something I wasn’t supposed to see.”
    He tightened his embrace, guiding her head back to his shoulder. “It’s over now. You know the truth and that’s all that matters.” He didn’t rush her. She obviously needed the release, so he just rocked her and stroked her hair.
    When she finally lifted her head and looked back into his eyes, she appeared calmer, more composed. “I’m sorry.”
    “You have nothing to apologize for. None of this was your fault and all of it was traumatic.” He brushed her hair back from her face, his fingers reluctant to leave the softness of her skin. “You’re also exhausted.”
    She nodded and crawled off his lap, sitting on the bed beside him. “Will you behave if I let you share the bed with me?”
    “This is my cabin. You better hope I’m willing to share my bed with you.” He smiled, trying to lighten her mood.
    “Oh, it’s going to be like that, is it?” She pulled off her shoes and then her socks. “Will you please let me share the bed? I’d rather not sleep on the floor and we’re both too tall for the loveseat.”
    “You have an open invitation to share my bed.” He punctuated the statement with another playful smile, but heat spiraled through his body.
    They pulled down the bedding together and he deactivated the lights before stripping off his jeans. Much to his surprise, she shed her pants as well then climbed into bed beside him. He lay on his back and stared up at the ceiling, trying to ignore her scent. She lay on her side, facing away from him. Her breathing seemed shallow and erratic, so he rolled up onto his side. It took him a few minutes to realize she was crying again. She stubbornly fought each sob in an effort to remain silent.
    He slipped his arm under her neck and pulled her back into the curve of his body. She tensed for a second, then released a shuddering sob and rolled toward him. Her face pressed against his chest and their legs entwined. One of her arms wrapped around him, her hand clutching his back. He didn’t bother with words, had no idea what to say. He just held her securely until she cried herself to sleep.
    * * * * *
    A telepathic ping echoed through Bandar’s brain, drawing him back to reality. Judging from the intensity of the sensation, it wasn’t Nazerel’s first attempt to awaken him. Go ahead. I’m more or less awake. He carefully lifted Ashley’s arm from across his waist and disentangled their legs, determined not to think about how nice it felt to wake up with her pressed against him. She was his assignment. He should have eased away as soon as she fell asleep.
    I let you sleep as long as I could. Dr. Irron is desperate to speak with you.
    Did he tell you why?
    Nope. Just said he needs you back on the Crusader as soon as possible.
    Bandar looked at Ashley and hesitated. He didn’t want her to wake up alone in a strange place.
    She won’t even know you left if you hurry , Nazerel pointed out, apparently guessing the reason for the pause.
    Monitor the room. If she gets restless, let her know I’ll be back as soon as I can.
    Nazerel chuckled. Careful, Bandar. As I found out the hard way, human females are addictive. Go see Irron. I’ll watch over

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