Phoenix's Heart

Free Phoenix's Heart by Khelsey Jackson

Book: Phoenix's Heart by Khelsey Jackson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Khelsey Jackson
dial. “Yes sir?” Mark said.
    “Mark, did you drop off Jennifer's car?”
    “Sir, I just tried knocking and she didn't answer. I was just about to call you.” Phoenix brought his other hand to his face.
    “Are you still at her apartment?” Phoenix walked over to his desk.
    “Yes sir, I am.”
    He took a deep long breath. “Good stay there, I’m going to call her. If can't get her to pick up, I will be on my way.” He hung up and pressed the number one. He made her his number one as soon as he found out that she was pregnant. Jennifer's phone rang four times and then went to her answering machine. He hung up and tried five more times. “Shit.” He said as he was walking towards his office door.
    He pressed the number three, to call Max. He picked up after seven rings. “You know some people have to work for a living.”
    “I don't care, it's about Jennifer. She isn't picking up her phone, or ans wering the door.” Phoenix pushed the elevator for the parking level.
    “Do you wan t me to meet you there?” He heard the worry in Max's voice.
    He shook his head. “No.” He closed his eyes and hoped she was okay. “But keep your phone with you just in case.” He walked to the silver elevator, and he pressed the button with a large B for the basement.
    Phoenix walked out of the elevator and walked to his black 2012 Cadillac Escalade. He got this SUV before it came out, and he loved it. It was their Platinum edition. He tried Jennifer's cell phone one more time. He decided to leave a message this time.
    When he heard the beep he said, “Jennifer, you are scaring the death out of me. Please darling, call me.” He opened his car door and got in; he sat his phone on the passenger seat. Then he thought of Megan, he knew she didn't like him, but this was about Jennifer.
    It rang twice. “Hello?” A sleepy voice said, maybe that was why Jennifer wasn't answering.
    “Megan , its Phoenix. Can you go and get Jennifer for me? Tell her--” She cut him off.
    “What the hell, w hy are you calling me?” She didn’t sound sleepy anymore. “Phoenix, I’m not at the apartment. I left early this morning.”
    “What?” he yelled. He wondered why Jennifer didn't call him. “Why?” He pushed a few buttons and he was hooked up to his car's Bluetooth.
    “Because of you , you scare me and there is something with you I don’t like. I’m sure she’s fine, but I have to go.” She hung up. He sped up a little, he needed to see Jennifer.
    There was a loud banging on the front door and Jennifer felt her heart trying to beat out of her chest.
    “Jennifer, I will break down this door if you don’t answer.” Phoenix yelled, and she jumped up. She glanced at clock on the wall and was speechless; it was ten in the morning.
    She ope ned the door and Phoenix looked angry and relief flooded his perfect face. “I'm so sorry; I fell asleep out in the living room. I guess I couldn't hear my alarm clock out here.” He grabbed her and pulled her to him. He held her tightly to him, and dropped his head to her shoulder. “Phoenix, I’m okay. I just overslept.”
    “Jennifer, my driver said you didn’t answer when he came up here to give you your keys. I called you and text ed you. I thought something happened to you, so I called Megan. She told me she left early this morning. Why didn't you call me, I would have come here.” He held her at arm’s length while his midnight blue eyes searched hers.
    “I'm sorry you had to come here. And I didn't call you because she left at like 2:45 in the morning, and it was m y problem. Not yours.” He glared at her and she wanted to be far away from him.
    “Not my problem? Jennifer you are mine, so whatever happens to you I want to know. I don’t care what fucking time it is.” He closed his eyes, and she felt the air get lighter. “Please get ready. You still need to work, remember.” He walked the rest of the way into her apartment and led her in the bathroom. “Jump in the shower

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