Real Men Last All Night

Free Real Men Last All Night by Cheyenne McCray

Book: Real Men Last All Night by Cheyenne McCray Read Free Book Online
Authors: Cheyenne McCray
like a refrigeration truck.
    A few more minutes and three black Mercedes arrived.
    Why not terrorize in style?
    In moments, several men climbed out of each car and walked toward each other. It was almost comical. The men postured and looked like gunslingers from the Wild West.
    Two men, one from each group, met beneath one of the pale warehouse lights. Zane moved his binoculars to his eyes and got a good look at the men. From their intel and the photos they'd pulled up on each man, one was Enzo Petrelli and the other man was definitely Hisham Nasri.
    Adrenaline began to fire through Zane's system harsh and hot as they got closer to busting the sonsofbitches. And they'd get the head of this terrorist faction—Zane hadn't been sure he'd show up himself.
    Enzo's voice came through Zane's comm as clear as if the member of the huge mafia family had been standing right next to him.
    Zane wasn't sure if he was relieved it wasn't Albano Petrelli because Rizzo would lose her "in" with the Petrelli family if it had been. On the other hand, he could have pulled her out if it was Albano and they busted him.
    Enzo was saying, "We've got the goods if you've got the green." He gestured toward the white truck. "Check the merchandise and we'll take a look at the cash."
    The terrorist had a hard, angular face and a cold, calculating expression. His accent was strong when he spoke. He mentioned the amount they were paying was in the case they'd brought.
    Nasri then inclined his head to one of his men to check the truck. The back door rattled, the sound loud in the night as it rolled up to show crate upon crate.
    Zane and his teams just needed to make sure what was in those crates . . .
    Enzo had one of his men go through the briefcase of cash while he and Nasri had a stare-off.
    The teeth-grinding sounds of nails screeching against wood cracked the stillness, then the hard thump of a wooden lid. One of the men shouted to Nasri and held up one of the illegal rifles.
    Nasri and Enzo shook hands.
    "Go!" Zane said into his comm and RED agents began swarming the area with shouts of
    "Police!"—the universal word for law enforcement.
    It became obvious in a hurry that Enzo's and Nasri's men didn't intend to go down without a fight.
    Zane joined his teams and fury roared through him as he picked off one of Enzo's men who'd shot a RED agent.
    Enzo, Nasri, and a few of the other men raised their hands while the others now lay on the ground, around them, dead or injured.
    It was only moments before the men were cuffed and all weapons and cash confiscated.
    Two RED agents were down.
    Zane shouted orders to team members, telling them what to do while he and three other RED agents ran toward those who'd been shot. Two RED ambulances had been waiting not too far from the warehouse and drove up at the same time Zane reached one of the agents.
    He dropped to his knees and carefully removed the agent's helmet.
    By the wide, unblinking eyes, the pale skin, and the stillness of her body, Zane didn't have to be told that Peters was dead. The bullet that pierced her throat had probably severed her spinal cord, and by the amount of blood covering her neck she'd probably died from both injuries.
    "Fuck!" Zane shouted. The RED paramedics were at his side in a second and Zane probably didn't need to say it, but he did anyway. "Peters is gone."
    Goddamnit but he could blow a hole through the head of every one of those assholes who were cuffed and now being shoved into vehicles as they were taken into custody.
    "Jacobs took a round, but he'll live," Yanov called to Zane. "He got hit full in the chest, but they weren't using armor-piercing bullets."
    Thank God for that. Still, Zane's hand shook as he closed Peters's eyes and let the paramedics take her away.
    He stood and watched for a moment as his teams efficiently
    cleared the site of any remaining evidence. That included taking down cameras and listening devices.
    RED operated solo and through incredibly strong

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