Mated to the Billionaire Werewolf: BBW Paranormal Bad Boy Billionaire Werewolf Romance (Kingwood Pack Book 3)

Free Mated to the Billionaire Werewolf: BBW Paranormal Bad Boy Billionaire Werewolf Romance (Kingwood Pack Book 3) by Mina Carter

Book: Mated to the Billionaire Werewolf: BBW Paranormal Bad Boy Billionaire Werewolf Romance (Kingwood Pack Book 3) by Mina Carter Read Free Book Online
Authors: Mina Carter
Tags: BBW Paranormal Bad Boy Billionaire Werewolf Romance
I’m your sister…”
    Davie laughed and there was nothing human left in the sound. Instead, it was harsh and brittle. The amusement of a creature that didn’t value any form of life. A dead creature.
    “Correction. You were the sister of the weak, inferior creature I was. I have no sister. Fuck it, I’m doing it now. I’m fed up with her damn whining.”
    Eva sucked in a breath as he bent his head, waiting for the sharp slice of teeth as he ripped her throat out.
    The pain didn’t arrive. Before Davie could get his fangs into her, there was a snarl, then something heavy hit them like a freight train. A scream ripped from her throat as they sprawled across the hard dirt of the forest floor.
    She rolled head over heels, sky and ground whirling around each other. Her tumble was cut short and pain exploded on the side of her head. Blinking, she tried to clear her vision of stars and pushed herself shakily up. A rock explained her abrupt stop, blood splattered across it. She lifted a hand to her head, and her fingers came away wet with blood. Her blood then.
    A snarl behind her got her attention. Davie stood in the middle of a circle of silent wolves. A big brown/gray wolf with a white stripe from the tip of his nose to his brow stepped forward.
    Her hand covered her mouth, tears hot in her eyes. Alex. Her heart leaped. He’d come for her.
    Davie snarled and ran backward, away from Alex toward the buildings. She knew vampires were fast, but she’d never expected them to be that fast. Frustration filled her as she realized he was about to escape. If he got onto the roof, he could easily attain the treetops and would be gone.
    After three steps, he launched himself at the wall, but instead of jumping to the roof of the building, he sprang back from it and landed on Alex’s back. She screamed as he attacked. He was no longer recognizable as human. Instead, he was a caricature. Jaws opened wider than any living creature could manage and his fangs jutting forward like a shark, he struck on the side of Alex’s neck, trying to get purchase through the thick fur.
    The big wolf howled and shifted. The sharp crack of bone echoed through the air as he spun, changing form on the fly to throw Davie over a newly formed hip. Alex slammed the vampire into the ground hard enough to make him bounce. Before he could muster a response, Alex had him pinned, a huge hand around his throat.
    Davie’s eyes bulged, almost popping out of his skull. He scrabbled at Alex’s arms with sharp fingernails. No, they weren’t nails…they were the sharpened ends of his finger bones, elongated until they burst from the ends of his fingers. The insidious smells of rot and decay oozed through the air as his glamor faded. The elegant façade disappeared to reveal the rotting corpse beneath.
    Gagging, she turned to the side and lost everything she’d eaten.
    Snarling, Alex lifted Davie over his head and threw him against the wall. He hit with a sickening thud. She held her breath as he hit the ground. Was he dead? She shook her head at her own thought. Idiot. He was already dead. So… was he more dead, for good now?
    A rattling sound filled the air, emanating from the crumpled figure of the vampire and he lifted his head. He was laughing.
    “You really think you can kill me that easily?”
    Davie rose to his feet unsteadily. His head was tilted at an odd angle, but his eyes were filled with malevolence as he glared at Alex. His face twisted into a snarl and he launched himself at the big wolf.
    She screamed, fear and worry holding her prisoner. How could he fight something that was already dead?
    Alex was back in his half form. Casually he reached out and batted the attacking vampire to the ground. It was easy to see he was done playing and the fight was to the death. Before Davie could get back up, Alex dropped onto his back. His claws glimmered in what little light there was and he raked them down Davies back, opening his spine to the bone. The stench

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