Still Water

Free Still Water by A. M. Johnson

Book: Still Water by A. M. Johnson Read Free Book Online
Authors: A. M. Johnson
Tags: Romance
did? She didn't make you chase her very long though, did she?" The hateful sound of my voice surprised me. Todd dropped his hands from my face and stepped back like I'd slapped him. "I sure hope you used protection. She seemed a little easy, even for you. Get your kicks with me and then finish off with a stranger. Nice move, boss."
    " You don't know what the hell you're talking about, " Todd's anger filled every word.
    "I don't? Tell me you didn't take her home." I sounded doubtful.
    "I didn't take her home."
    "Sure you didn't." I rolled my eyes and tried to walk past him. He grabbed my shoulders.
    "I didn't take her home, Lily." He exhaled and looked at me directly. All I saw was honesty. "I wanted to and I normally would have, but it felt wrong. Just like you going out with Jace is wrong." He gritted his teeth.
    "You don't own me, Todd. For hell's sake, I've known you for like three days." His hands squeezed my shoulders, not enough to cause pain, but enough to know what I'd just said hurt him somehow.
    "Damn it, Lily. He takes trophies from the girls he's laid. If I'm no good, that guy is the devil." He took a deep breath. "Trust me."
    "That's the thing, Todd. I don't know you enough to trust you, and after last night, the way things went down, I can't deal with this bullshit. I'm my own person, I have my own plans ." I pushed his hands off my shoulders and stepped sideways away from his reach. I moved quickly to the door trying to avoid getting stuck in that stare. I just couldn't let Todd consume me, because I have no doubt that's what would happen. The attraction between us was unreal, and fires that burn this bright die fast. I unlocked the door and slowly opened it.
    "Lily, please, I'm serious. Jace is no good." Todd sounded so genuine right then that I almost turned back around and just let this thing, this crazy thing between us, happen.
    "I'm a big girl, boss. I can handle myself." I swiftly left the room as Todd cursed loudly right before the door slammed behind me.

    M Y CAR SAT IDLING IN THE DRIVEWAY of Elizabeth and Sawyer's place. It was nearing 5:45 p.m., and I just couldn't bring myself to turn off the ignition and head inside. Not only had it been over a year since I had seen Liz, I was still dealing with the mind fuck that was Lily. I swore out loud and immediately felt like a jackass. I was being such a pussy. I reached over the stick shift to grab the present I'd gotten for Sailor. Elizabeth loved penguins, so I figured I'd buy her little girl a pink penguin. Chicks dig pink, right? As I came back to an upright position, I saw Sawyer standing at the hood of the car. Shit! I about screamed like a little bitch because he'd startled me. His mouth spread into a shit-eating grin. Fucker! I started to laugh hard and honked my horn at him.
    I opened the door. "You 'bout gave me a heart attack, brother."
    Sawyer's deep laugh twisted in my gut. I missed this guy. "Why are you sitting out here like a stalker?" He moved in for his signature side arm hug. He tapped my back hard as always. I loved this about him. No matter how jealous, defeated, or angry I was that Liz didn't pick me, I never faulted Sawyer. This guy was the best guy I'd ever known. He fought for our country, and he had some rough shit to deal with from his past. We never really got into it, but I could tell he had issues. It made me feel like a jerk; here I was whiny about a girl. My life was good. I had the best parents, a good home, and I threw it all away because I couldn't have her . I didn't deserve her. He did. My inadequacies were too much for one person.
    "It's good to see you, bro." I smiled and punched him in the shoulder.
    "We missed you too. Come on, let's head in. I should warn you, though… Sailor is the cutest thing you'll ever see. Be prepared." He chuckled, seeming ridiculously happy. And it was then I knew that I'd wasted too much time. For the first time, I could see what a complete fuckup I was.

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