5 People Who Died During Sex: And 100 Other Terribly Tasteless Lists Paperback

Free 5 People Who Died During Sex: And 100 Other Terribly Tasteless Lists Paperback by Karl Shaw

Book: 5 People Who Died During Sex: And 100 Other Terribly Tasteless Lists Paperback by Karl Shaw Read Free Book Online
Authors: Karl Shaw
rectum, “By the Light of the Moon,” and he could anally extinguish a candle at a distance of one foot. For an encore, Pujol inserted a yard of rubber hose with a cigarette in one end into his rectum, then drew on the cigarette and exhaled smoke. The highlight of Pujol’s spectacular career was a continental tour that drew many of the crowned heads of Europe, although King Leopold II of Belgium felt obliged to see the show in disguise. When Pujol died in 1945, aged eighty-eight, he was succeeded by several 88
    [Ten Hard Acts to Follow]
    imitators, including a female “pétomane” called La Mere Alexandre, who could imitate the farts of the famous and perform a series of entertaining “occupational farts”
    including those of nuns and freemasons. Her magnum opus, however, was her impression of the bombardment of Port Arthur. In the 1980s, an American “pétomane”
    known as Honeysuckle Divine could extinguish a candle flame at two paces and fart “Jingle Bells.”
    At the Organization of African Unity summit meeting in 1975, Ugandan leader Idi Amin entertained his fellow African presidents by demonstrating how to suffocate people with a handkerchief.
    The actor Lorne Greene had one of his nipples bitten off by an alligator while filming Lorne Greene’s Wild Kingdom.
    Essential Elvis Trivia:
    The Top Ten
    Before he discovered Elvis, Colonel Tom Parker’s most notable success was “Colonel Parker’s Dancing Chickens,” an act that involved persuading chickens to perform by placing them on an electric hotplate.
    There are an estimated 85,000 Elvis impersonators worldwide. In the Islamic city of Mogadishu in Somalia it is illegal to impersonate Elvis without a beard.
    Elvis once ate nothing but meat loaf, mashed potatoes, and tomatoes for two years.
    Elvis became addicted to Feen-a-mint chewing gum while attempting to overcome severe constipation.
    Dr. Jukka Ammondt, a Finnish professor, is the only Elvis impersonator known to sing his songs in Latin, including
    “Nunc Hic Aut Numquam” (“It’s Now or Never”).
    Next to sex and gluttony, the King’s favorite nocturnal pastime was visiting the Memphis morgue to look at the corpses. He also liked to watch lesbian sex through a see-through mirror from his bedroom while nibbling on a bucket of giblets.
    Elvis was once injected with the urine of a pregnant woman as part of a fad diet.
    In July 1993, Air Force major Bill Smith, a Texan, filed a lawsuit in Fort Worth against the estate of Elvis Presley.
    Major Smith charged that Presley’s estate had perpetrated a fraud by keeping up the pretense that the King had died in 1977. The major complained that this 90
    [Elvis Trivia: The Top Ten]
    had interfered with his attempts to sell his new book on Elvis’s current whereabouts.
    Elvis’s last meal was four scoops of ice cream and six chocolate-chip cookies.
    Death was Elvis’s best-ever career move. If he had lived, he would have almost certainly been bankrupt within six months. In 2006, his estate, including the famous Graceland mansion, was estimated to be worth $150
    Ten Nota 10
    ble Literary Deaths
    1156: Pietro Aretino, an Italian satirist, poet, and critic, laughs so hard at a scene in a play involving one of his sisters that he falls off his chair, fatally striking his head on the floor.
    1824: George Gordon (Lord Byron) catches a virulent form of rheumatic fever while rowing an open boat across a lagoon in a thunderstorm, in Greece.
    1850: Honoré de Balzac dies of caffeine poisoning after regularly drinking about fifty cups of black coffee per day.
    1867: Charles Baudelaire dies insane, paralyzed, and speechless at the age of forty-six from the combined effects of syphilis and addiction to alcohol, hashish, and opium.
    1900: Oscar Wilde dies in France under the assumed name of Sebastian Melmoth from an abscess on the brain, which had spread from an infected middle ear, despite an

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