Switching Lanes

Free Switching Lanes by Renea Porter

Book: Switching Lanes by Renea Porter Read Free Book Online
Authors: Renea Porter
gaggle of girls are and Layne can be found there. He enjoys the attention. We walk right on through the girls and Layne hugs me tight.
    “Glad to see you made it.” He looks at me then to Alexis.
    “Layne, this is my friend Alexis. Alexis, this is Layne.” I say, motioning between the two.
    “Nice to meet you,” Layne says.
    “You too. Good luck with your race or whatever,” Alexis says with hesitation.
    “Thanks. You guys coming to the after party?” Layne asks, looking my way.
    I look to Alexis and she has a confused look on her face. “Oh, they always have parties after a race. You don’t have to go, of course. It’s just a thing,” I say nonchalantly.
    “I’ll catch you later. Good luck,” I tell Layne. Alexis and I move to the sidelines as Layne hops into his race car. “You don’t have to go to the party. I can take you home after the race,” I tell her.
    “If that’s okay, I appreciate it. I don’t want to put myself in a situation that I’m not comfortable or familiar with. Maybe another time, though.”
    “Of course . I totally understand.” I watch as Layne approaches his car and then that’s when I see Cole approaching the opposite car. It seems to happen in slow motion. He seems cool and collected, walking to the car, and he flashes a wink to Alexis and I. I almost have to blink a few times to make sure I see what I see.

Chapter Ten
    “Is that who I think it is?” Alexis’s eyes pop.
    “So you are seeing the same thing I’m seeing?” I question. Cole slides smoothly into the car through the window and buckles himself into the seat.
    “I don’t know about you, but I see Cole in a race car, getting ready to race your loverboy there,” she says sarcastically.
    “I had no idea he raced,” I say. “This could get ugly.”
    “Dude, I don’t even know what to say, but hot damn.”
    “Alexis!” I laugh at her comment.
    “Hey, I’m not dead. I might not like to be touched, but a girl can dream,” she smirks while batting her eyelashes.
    “I’m seriously questioning your sanity right now,” I tell her.
    If you get Cole within a hundred feet of her, she melts. I don’t even want to think about that now. I can’t. I focus on the boys revving their engines. One tries to outdo the other and then Alex sways the flag for them to go. They take off in a flash and Alexis and I jump up and down from the excitement. Layne pulls through and makes it and secures his spot in the ranks. Cole will have to work a little harder if he thinks he will beat Layne in a race. I run up to Layne and instinctively throw my arms around his neck. I kiss him on the cheek and congratulate him on his win. Tonight will be a happy celebration.
    He throws his arms around my waist and swings me around, then sits me down causing me to feel dizzy from the spin. I giggle, and Alexis congratulates Layne.
    “Thanks.” Layne smiles so hugely that his dimples cause an appearance.
    “I’m gonna get this girl home, and then I’ll meet you back at the house,” I tell Layne.
    We walk back to the car and we’re both in a happy mood. “Did Cole wink at us earlier or was it just my imagination?” Alexis asks, when we get in the car.
    “Why yes he did, ” I tell her. “But that was probably more for you than me. I’m just saying.”
    “We should have talked to him after the race. I wasn’t even thinking,” she says, shaking her head.
    “I’m sure we will run into him again soon. Oh, by the way, I may have threatened him if he hurt you,” I say in a fast tone.
    “Um, you what?”
    “He was asking about you, like I told you the other night. And believe me when I say he is very interested in you. I threate ned bodily harm if he hurt you, and I meant it. No one hurts my friends or the ones I love. Okay, I might have been a little dramatic about it, but at least I got my point across.”
    “No one has ever stuck up for me like that. I’m speechless,” she says stunned.
    I smile. “You can thank

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