Forgiving Reed (Southern Boys #1)

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Book: Forgiving Reed (Southern Boys #1) by C. A. Harms Read Free Book Online
Authors: C. A. Harms
surveyed my eyes, for what, I had no idea. “I’m gonna go wash him up.” As I walked away, I left Maria and Reed alone in the kitchen.
    After his bath I put him in his pajamas and walked down the hallway, only to stop when I heard Reed’s deep voice.
    “I’m not pushing anything, Maria. I know she’s not ready for anything like that. All I’m offering is friendship. I care about both of them very much. Hell, I never stopped caring about Kori, you know that. That little boy and his momma, well, she’s always had my love. He’s captured it too.” I bit my lower lip as it trembled. “I don’t have an ulterior motive. I’m here because I want to be near them. I don’t expect anything in return.”
    “She has a lot of healing left to do. She doesn’t need to be pushed. She doesn’t need anyone taking advantage of her vulnerable state.” Maria’s voice was rigid.
    “Thanks for having such faith in an old friend, Maria.” He huffed out sarcastically. “I’m not that guy. You think I would do that to her? Give me just a little credit.”
    Rhett began to cry out with impatience, and I had no choice but to walk the remaining distance down the hallway. When I entered the kitchen, they both were looking in our direction.
    “Well, someone’s tired. Look at those sleepy eyes.” Maria took Rhett from me and gave him his sippy cup. In no time at all, I knew he would be ready to crash.
    Reed leaned back against the counter, crossing his ankles. “I was gonna offer to put Rhett’s bed together. Your mom says he climbs outta the crib. But I can come back another time. I don’t think he’ll last.”
    “Yeah, he’s pretty tired. He’s really gonna love that bed, though. I can’t wait to see his face. I’m sure I won’t have a problem getting him to sleep in it.” Reed chuckled, and I got a flash of that dimple that peeked out on occasion.
    “I guess I’ll get going. I need to swing by Lucky’s, check on some things.” I nodded as I watched him take another step in my direction. His hand came out, and he wrapped it around my shoulders, pulling me closer. He placed a gentle kiss to the top of my head. “Thanks for inviting me. It really means a lot that you involved me today.” He pulled back and pointed into the living room. “That kid you got in there, he’s pretty special.” He winked before releasing me to walk over to the couch. Leaning forward, he kissed the top of Rhett’s head, and once again tears pooled in my eyes. “Goodnight, little buddy. Happy birthday.”
    He said goodbye to Maria by placing a kiss against her cheek before he stood and walked to the front door.
    I stood motionless as I watched Reed look back over his shoulder one last time to flash that dimple. He was such a handsome man. He had those eyes that made you feel safe and secure. He turned and closed the door quietly behind him. The roar of his truck came to life as he drove away.
    It was at that point I let my shoulders relax and joined Maria on the couch.
    I knew I was in trouble. The overwhelming urge to be near him was getting to be too much to handle.

    Chapter Fourteen
    Monday was a hard day, really hard. I couldn’t get out of bed. I took a sick day from school. I would have been useless in front of a classroom, there was no doubt about that.
    I called Momma around seven in the morning and asked her to come and get Rhett. I needed the day to grieve, and I didn’t want him to see me like that.
    It was gonna be a bad one, and I knew that.
    I finally crawled out of bed around one and made some coffee. My eyes were swollen and red. My nose was raw from all the blowing.
    Climbing in my car, I already knew I looked like ass; I felt it. I drove with no particular place in mind. Pulling up at Lucky’s probably wasn’t the best choice, but the hell with it. I went inside and ordered a beer. Drinking on a Monday afternoon was not me, but today was the exception. I deserved this, I

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