Forgiving Reed (Southern Boys #1)

Free Forgiving Reed (Southern Boys #1) by C. A. Harms

Book: Forgiving Reed (Southern Boys #1) by C. A. Harms Read Free Book Online
Authors: C. A. Harms
us can act like we even feel an ounce of your pain.” Maria leaned on the railing beside me before continuing. “I can say one thing, though. You are without a doubt one of the strongest people I know. You have suffered such a loss and still find the strength to wake up every day and give your little boy the love he deserves. Every day is a struggle for you, I can see that, but you’ll never give up. You are too amazing for that, Kori.”
    I hugged her tightly because her words meant so much. On most days I questioned my life. I questioned if I was enough for Rhett, did I give him what he needed? I tried so hard not to let him see me sad. I saved my down times until long after he went to bed, at least I tried. Today was going to be a hard one, though. Today would definitely be trying. I would have to hold back my grief, for my boy.
    I decided today was the best day to celebrate Rhett’s Birthday. With his actual birthday falling on a Monday, it just worked out better. It would only be a small group of people, and my place was big enough to hold those invited.
    I had fought with Daddy for over a week before I finally gave in. He told me it was only right to invite Reed. He felt that Reed had developed a closeness with Rhett over the last few months. They had been seeing one another every day at the farm, when he helped Daddy. Apparently my son adored him. I wasn’t sure how I felt about that yet. It was still a little hard to accept.
    Hank and his wife Melanie, plus their two kids would be coming. Momma and Daddy, of course. Aunt Maria, and Reed. I invited Ben and Leann as well. She and I had been talking a lot lately. With her baby coming soon, she was getting pretty nervous, and she needed a confidant to share her worries. I was happy to reassure her that things would be fine. She had a strong man standing by her side, Ben worshipped her. You could see it his eyes.
    Maria and I were getting the house decorated while Momma took Rhett to town to pick up the cake. The party was only an hour away, and I just hoped I could hold it together until the end. I could collapse later after everyone was gone. I could let all the heartache spill free, alone with my bottle of wine and Blake’s picture.
    When everyone arrived, except for Reed, I felt a small amount of disappointment. That was until I heard his big truck rolling over the loose gravel fifteen minutes later. I let out a calming breath and turned to watch him crawl from his truck. He was sporting his cowboy boots and hat. Of course his tight fitted t-shirt and thigh hugging faded jeans were part of the package as well. Why did that man have to look so damn good? He made it almost impossible not to stare.
    I watched as he walked around to the back of his truck and grabbed a big box from the bed. Sliding it to the opened tailgate, he began to lift it up. Ben quickly stood and met up with Reed just in time to lift the box along with him. It was huge and wrapped in John Deere wrapping paper. I smiled at the gesture. He had obviously gotten to know Rhett. He was a tractor boy.
    Reed’s eyes met mine, and I knew my face held a questioning stare. All he did was offer me a shrug in return before heading back to his truck. Grabbing two smaller boxes, he made his way back up the driveway to take a seat alongside Ben. He leaned forward and tickled Rhett’s side to get his attention from his pappy.
    The moment Rhett noticed Reed, he practically jumped from my daddy’s embrace. Rhett wrapped his arms around Reed’s neck, and they exchanged a sweet hug that had my throat burning. It was a strange feeling seeing him hold my son, just like the time I had witnessed them together at my parents’ house. The day I acted like a bitch and took my son from him. This time I took it in, every smile every touch. It was a beautiful exchange, yet sad.
    Reed’s eyes met mine, and he smiled before lowering Rhett to the ground so he could begin tearing into the gifts that surrounded

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