She Fell For A Boss: An Urban Love Tale

Free She Fell For A Boss: An Urban Love Tale by KC Mills

Book: She Fell For A Boss: An Urban Love Tale by KC Mills Read Free Book Online
Authors: KC Mills
transform into a law abiding citizen who would not cause her any more heartache and make her proud.
    That shit was never going to happen, but he let her think that because it was what she needed. Miego was a hustler, his father was a hustler, and every man who ever played a significant role in his life was a hustler. Why would anyone, his mother included, believe that he would ever be anything other than a dope boy?
    “I got you, ma. Don't worry about me.”
    She smiled before standing. “That’s all I know how to do.” With that, she left him sitting there.
    It was just after eight and Miego had been thinking about Yami all day, but he was trying to give it time before he hit her up, especially since she claimed she wasn't going to answer. Honestly, the only thing saving him was the fact that his phone wasn't on him. He had purposely left it in his room so he wouldn't be tempted to call or text her. It had been hours since he left her at the student union building, but his patience was running out. He needed to talk to her, or at least text her to see if she would actually answer.
    Miego stood to get his phone but then stopped dead in his tracks. “I’m tripping, shorty got me sweating her,” Miego mumbled to himself and then sat back down.
    It wasn't like him to be worried about a female. It just wasn't his thing. In fact, it was more like him to ignore them. But for some reason, he couldn't keep his mind off Yami. She was consuming his thoughts, and that had him all out of sync.
    To get his mind off her, he decided to focus on something else, so he picked up the remote and started flipping through channels. Stopping at SportsCenter, he leaned back and slid one hand into his sweat pants while the other held the remote. It only lasted for a few minutes because Yami kept creeping into his head and he felt a swell happening, so he removed his hand, let his eyes close and his head fall back.
    “Fuck, what the hell is this shit?” He chuckled to himself, thinking about how he couldn’t focus on anything but Yami, so he finally gave in and decide to call her.
    He stood and made his way to his room, shut the door and fell onto the twin sized bed that he’d had since he was sixteen years old. After he grabbed his phone from the table beside it, he searched for her number and dialed, feeling like a bitch because he was damn near holding his breath while it rang.
    “Damn, her little ass really didn't answer,” Miego said a little pissed, thinking that Yami had played him.
    He opened his texts and was about to send her a smart ass comment about her not answering, but that was cut off when her name flashed across his screen with an incoming call. She called right back.
    “Hey, sorry, I didn't hear my phone until it was too late,” she said, sounding out of breath
    “You know who this is?”
    “I don't give my number out, and every other number in my phone is saved, so yes, I know who you are,” she stated matter-of-factly, which made him smile.
    “I guess I should really feel honored then, not only did you give me your number, but you answered after you said you wouldn’t.”
    She gave him the sweetest laugh, which instinctively made his hand move to his slow rising erection.
    “Technically, I didn't answer, so you’re half right.”
    This time, Miego chuckled. “But you were going to, unless you lied, shorty. You said you couldn’t get to your phone quick enough because you didn't hear it.”
    “Mommy, can I have this? Grandma said I had to ask you?”
    “Not until you finish your dinner. Go eat, and then you can have it.”
    “But it's one little piece of candy, Mommy. Pleeeeeease.”
    “Ray, I said no. Go finish your dinner and then you can have it, and give me that. When you're done, you can come back and get it.”
    Miego listened while Yami interacted with her daughter. It was cute to him and it made him smile. She was so damn little, she didn't seem like a parent, so hearing her behave like one was

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