Love, Unmasked

Free Love, Unmasked by Vivian Roycroft

Book: Love, Unmasked by Vivian Roycroft Read Free Book Online
Authors: Vivian Roycroft
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step. “—you ruddy b—”
    Before he could complete the insult, Blue Tailcoat’s fist flashed out. It buried itself into Brightenburg’s nose with a surprisingly loud crunch. Brightenburg’s head whipped back and he collapsed again, thudding onto the brick pathway, pretty much back where he’d started.
    “Surely even your decadence wouldn’t stretch to insulting a lady, Brightenburg.”
    That voice. That voice.
    Again Brightenburg staggered up, shaking his head like a confused bull. More dark liquid dripped from his nose, covering his swollen mouth. He glared at their protector. “What was that for?”
    “Emily Cross,” Blue Tailcoat said, his tone grim. His fist rose again. “And this one’s for—”
    But Brightenburg lurched aside out of reach, slamming his shoulder against the outer wall. He gripped the brick for balance and swayed forward. “Look, you—”
    A thrown disk smacked into his cheek — a drainage saucer for a clay pot. He staggered again, and another saucer hit his chest. Jessica and Georgette stood at Fidelity’s shoulders, each gripping more saucers, and a rush of pride swept through her. Her girls.
    Blue Tailcoat’s fist hadn’t lowered. “I’m happy to offer you satisfaction. Will I be hearing from your second?”
    With a snarl, Brightenburg wiped blood from his chin, turned, and stalked away into the night.
    * * * *
    Fidelity set the pot down — amazing that the poor begonia had survived her not-so-tender attentions — dusted off her hands, and pulled her girls into a tight embrace.
    “I’m sorry.” Jessica’s face crumpled and her voice vanished into a wail. “I knew I shouldn’t leave with him, but—”
    “You can be no more sorry than I.” A kiss to each smooth cheek, both remarkably dry, and Fidelity tightened the embrace. “You did nothing but follow my own despicable example, and if anything had happened to you, it would have been my fault. Can you forgive me?”
    “Forgive you ?” Jessica pulled back, her eyes enormous. “When I wanted so much to hurt you? You did nothing—”
    “—except set the entire ridiculous train in motion.” Another kiss, a warm glance with her heart in her eyes. “I think we’ve both wised up, but I am so very sorry for the fright you’ve suffered.”
    Georgette squeezed them both back together into a pile of warmth. “If you like, we can leave early.”
    Fidelity paused. She didn’t want to. She wanted to stay and dance again with Blue Tailcoat, figure out who that remarkable man was — he’d withdrawn to the lantern light’s edge, letting them sort themselves out in secure privacy, generous man. She wanted to suffuse herself in his appreciation and learn more of his gentlemanlike ways. But perhaps it would be for the best. Surely she’d find him again. And surely Jessica needed quiet and peace to fully recover.
    But a light flared in those blue eyes and Jessica’s chin lifted. Still no tears dampened her face. “I’ve never left a ball early in my life and I won’t start now in compliment to him .”
    The giggles couldn’t be stopped. “You silly girl. You’re brave and beautiful and I’m so proud to be your cousin.”
    “Really?” Georgette nudged Jessica, eyes wide behind her half-mask. “If you’re certain—”
    “Of course I am,” Jessica said.
    “—then now’s the time to take advantage of the situation.”
    They giggled together. “You’re right.” And Jessica smiled.
    More hugs, then Fidelity helped the girls repin their curls. Repositioning her sardonyx brooch hid the torn lace at Jessica’s neckline, and they checked each other’s masks, ensuring they were firmly in place. Then, arm in arm, with sweet words of gratitude in passing, the girls slipped past Blue Tailcoat, into the spilled lantern light, and vanished down the path toward the house.
    He turned. A flame’s red glow flickered across his black half-mask, glinted from his eye. His smile had finally worn away, only the edges of his

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