Double Dare (From the Files of Madison Finn, 14)

Free Double Dare (From the Files of Madison Finn, 14) by Laura Dower

Book: Double Dare (From the Files of Madison Finn, 14) by Laura Dower Read Free Book Online
Authors: Laura Dower
invitation looks wonderful! Mr. Waters said he’d never seen such a nice invitation. Thank you both so much for all of your help.
    I do need your help with one more thing. If it isn’t too much trouble, would you girls let me know what kinds of food and sodas you think people would like to have at the party? It’s coming up so soon!
    Helen Waters
    Food? Sodas? Madison couldn’t believe how much work it was to plan a party. She shot off a quick response to Mrs. Waters, copying Aimee on the reply.
From: MadFinn
    To: Waters; Balletgrl
    Subject: Re: Thank you!
    Date: Tues 26 Sept 3:44 PM
    Hi, Mrs. Waters!
    Lots of people have already responded to the e-vite. Isn’t that great? Thanks for saying all those nice things. It was no problem! I’ll send you a list of everyone’s names as soon as I hear from them.
    I know you were going to do it, but Aimee and I want to bake the birthday cake. Is that all right with you? I think Fiona likes chocolate. Does Chet?
    We’ll think about what other food would be fun, too, like you asked. I think people will be happy with pizza and any kind of juice. I like root beer.
    Please write back.
    Madison clicked SEND , and watched as the message disappeared into cyberspace. She knew the next message was from Dad.
From: JeffFinn
    To: MadFinn
    Subject: See You
    Date: Tues 26 Sept 4:01 PM
    Dinner still on? I’ll pick you up out front of the house around 7:30. Stephanie is meeting us @ the restaurant @ 8. Indian food ok? Hope so!
    Love, Dad
    Madison got up from her desk and flopped onto her bed. She had four hours more to chill out before Dad got there—and she felt so relaxed now!
    “I guess I didn’t really realize how worried I was about this party,” Madison said to Phinnie, who was asleep by her feet, as usual. “But it really looks as though everything is coming together …”
    “Honey bear?” Mom asked, poking her head through the door. “Are you talking to someone?”
    “Hi, Mom,” Madison said. “Just talking to myself.”
    Phin waddled over to Mom to say hello and then sat by the side of Madison’s bed until she leaned over and picked him up.
    “How’s the party planning?” Mom asked.
    “Excellent,” Madison replied. “Almost everyone is coming! Now all we have to do is bake the cake, if Mrs. Waters says that’s okay. She asked if we’d help make a list of other food and drinks kids would like, too. There is so much to do when you plan a party.”
    “Hmm.” Mom tugged on a piece of hair—one of her classic thinking gestures. “Well, I have an idea. Since it’s a party for twins, maybe you could serve food that comes in pairs. Like, give everyone two scoops of ice cream?”
    Madison giggled. “Yeah—on those side-by-side cones,” she said. “What else comes in twos?”
    “Twix Bars!” Mom said.
    Madison chimed in. “And Twinkies—”
    “Stop!” Mom said. “Whatever happened to carrot sticks?”
    “They don’t come in twos. Mom,” Madison said.
    Mom laughed. “I think you’re doing a super job.”
    “I hope this party is going to be greater than great,” Madison cried. “Right, Phinnie?”
    Phin rolled over so Madison would scratch his belly.
    For the first time in days, Madison felt as though the surprise party and almost everything else was under control.
    “Hi, Dad,” Madison said, rushing down to the driveway to meet Dad’s car. It was 7:46—not 7:30 as he’d said. He was late, as usual.
    “Hello, Maddie!” Dad said when she approached the car. He leaned over to give her a kiss. “Nice top. Is it new?”
    “This old thing?” Madison said, smiling as she buckled her seat belt. Dad was good at giving just the right compliments. “Where are we eating?”
    “Bombay Palace,” Dad said. “You like that place, right?”
    “Sure, as long as I can get that tandooey skewer thing,” Madison said.
    “Tandoori chicken?” Dad said, chuckling.
    “You bet,” Madison said. Bombay Palace was one of her favorite restaurants.

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