Dracian Legacy

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Book: Dracian Legacy by Priya Kanaparti Read Free Book Online
Authors: Priya Kanaparti
Tags: Romance, Fantasy, Young Adult
the same. But it never was more than an innocent crush.
    “Let’s go.” Pey’s voice pulled me back to reality. “Just had to let Landon know I’m going home with you.”
    “That is the last party I’m ever going to,” I said, more to myself.
    She laughed and hooked her arm through mine as we walked toward her car.


    “What missing people?” I asked, surprised. This was the first time I heard about it.
    “People from Salt Lake, Portland, and some other smaller cities have disappeared at a staggering rate in the past two weeks.” Pey’s eyes widened and her voice turned low and spooky. “And some turned up dead. They think a serial killer is at work.”
    “That’s freaky. And so close to home.” I shivered thinking about it.
    “Oh, and did you hear about the old sugar factory in Nampa blowing up a couple nights ago?” The air buzzed with a familiar sense. “Apparently, they found dead bodies mutilated with stab wounds.”
    I rolled my eyes. “Well, aren’t you just the bearer of morbid news today?”
    “Ren, I worry about you sometimes. The world is full of crazies. I sometimes wish I could burst your naivety bubble.” I raised my eyebrows at her. “Yeah, that’s right, naivety. How did you ever survive this long?”
    “I live by the principle ‘live life with simplicity.’”
    “What the hell does that mean?”
    I heard a girl’s voice squeaking with excitement. I shushed Pey.
    “…It’s going to be awesome. You can be my king and I can be your queen.”
    Warm, familiar tingles rose along the back of my neck. There was no doubt in my mind who was close by. We rounded the corner to the hallway that my locker was in and the blood drained from my face.
    “I’ll make it worth your night. I can ride your Dulcea .”
    A petite-framed cheerleader, Rachel, stood with one leg between Axel’s and her upper body super-glued to his chest. Her manicured nail trailed down his arm suggestively. She threw her arms around his neck, pulling him down for a kiss. His hands were planted on her hips. My heart bled at the sight of him holding another girl so close. I stumbled back, stepping into Pey.
    “What the hell…?” She stopped midsentence as she took in the scene in front of us. “Oh.”
    My eyes stung as I ran in the opposite direction. I felt Axel’s eyes burn a hole in my back and I hated him even more at that moment. I was a fool.
    I snuck into the closest bathroom and stayed there.
    I felt like a complete idiot to even think he would be interested in me. My phone rang and I ignored it… and the next twenty calls.
    Why did I let him have such power over my emotions? I couldn’t get past the fact that we weren’t together and he was free to be with anyone. He never showed that kind of interest, apart from the innocent flirting we both did. Sure, we talked and shared information and had an incredible connection, or so I stupidly thought. I was just his friend. He saw me as a friend. Nothing more. Everything else was my imagination. It had to be.
    And I hated myself for thinking otherwise.
    “Ren, babe. I know you’re here,” Pey said, standing in front of the stall I was sitting in. “I can hear you sniffle.” I stilled. “Argh… You’re going to be sorry…” She grunted as she got on all fours and crawled under the stall door. “…because I’m going to hug you now.”
    She held me in silence, stroking my hair.

    That night, I received another call from him, shattering my will to do homework. I gave up reading A Tale of Two Cities for my Great Books class and went to the roof outside my window. It was a breezy September night, but not too cold. Through his bedroom window, I saw Dean looking at me while talking on the phone. He gave me a small wave. I returned the gesture.
    I lay back and tried to relax. I concentrated on the night sounds, pushing aside the thoughts of Axel and Rachel. The slight breeze tickled my skin, and I took a much-needed deep breath and

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