Quinn's Christmas Wish

Free Quinn's Christmas Wish by Lawna Mackie

Book: Quinn's Christmas Wish by Lawna Mackie Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lawna Mackie
else other than him.
    Eventually their climb leveled out and a small field spread out in front of them. His cabin lay just ahead along the tree line.
    “We’re almost there, Amanda, are you okay back there?”

    In the moonlight, Amanda could see the outline of his home. Her mouth dropped, amazed by its size. The cabin was huge and sprawled out like the letter “V”. Off to the side stood a corral, and a barn that appeared to be three quarters complete.
    A large porch wrapped around the home, making it seem even larger. She could only imagine what it would look like in the daylight.
    The horses struggled to get through the snow to the barn, but soon everyone dismounted. Samuel tethered the horses and let Amanda and Quinn into the cabin. The home was every bit as beautiful inside as it was on the outside. She felt a bit uncomfortable as she stood in the massive entryway looking up at the large beamed structure. This didn’t quite fit with what she had imagined.
    Lantern in hand Samuel lit the sconces on the walls and the larger lanterns on the tables. Then he headed for the enormous fireplace and started a crackling blaze. He returned to Amanda and Quinn. “You two look around. Everything here is yours, as it is mine. I’m just going to care for the animals. I’ll bring in your things.”
    Quinn looked up at Samuel. “Can I go out with you?”
    Amanda cut in before he got to. “Quinn, you’ll have all day to look for Jazira, but for now I want you to rest.”
    “I think you’ll find a bedroom to your liking. Go take a look.” Samuel pointed.
    Amanda knew her son. He didn’t really care about a room, but off he went. “I don’t know how to thank you. Samuel, this is more than I expected.”
    He, pulled her close and placed a light kiss on her lips. “I can think of many ways you can thank me, but the biggest one is just the fact you and Quinn are here. When I left here a few days ago, never in my wildest dreams would I have expected to find you…and Quinn. You’ve changed my life, Amanda, and I’m so very grateful.”
    She kissed him back, with tears rolling down her cheeks. “Thank you.”
    “Don’t say thank you,” he said. “Just say yes. Say you’ll marry me,” he pleaded.
    She choked back a sob. “Yes! Yes. Yes. Yes!”
    He picked her up off the floor and squeezed her in a bear hug. Amanda squealed and for the first time in over a year, she felt hopeful.
    “Okay, I’ve gotta go. The animals need tending to.”
    Amanda pulled his collar up and kissed him. “Go then, I’ll investigate your kitchen.”
    “I’d rather hoped you’d investigate the bedroom.” He laughed, exiting the cabin.
    Amanda stood in silence for a moment, taking in the grandeur of the home. How had he managed to get everything up here? The trail was narrow, but a wagon would have managed. She went in search of Quinn. The first bedroom was relatively small, but very adequate with a good-sized bed. She continued down the hall and came across a door. She pushed it open and entered the room. The bed was enormous, covered with furs. Carved in ornate designs, the large headboard peaked her curiosity. Did he do this? She walked forward, running her hands over the smooth wood, then down onto the furs. She looked to the floor where her feet were buried in what must be a bear rug. A hearth stood in the corner and the moon shone through a large window.
    Amanda shook her head in disbelief and went back down the hall. She didn’t know where Quinn had gotten to, but noticed the other hall jutting past the kitchen, she headed that direction. She’d explore the kitchen once she found Quinn.
    “Quinn,” she called.
    “I’m in here, Mom,” he answered.
    Cracked open, Amanda pushed the door wide, a smile instantly light up her face. Half way up the wall and lining the perimeter of the room was a carved wooden train track complete with an engine, cars, and a caboose.
    “Look, Mom, I’ve never seen anything like this before,” he

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