Finding Faith

Free Finding Faith by Reana Malori

Book: Finding Faith by Reana Malori Read Free Book Online
Authors: Reana Malori
bit her bottom lip. Watching her silently for a few minutes, Cooper purposely ignored the invisible barrier holding him back from moving forward with his beautiful neighbor and took the time to really look at her.  
    Gazing at her as no longer just a neighbor and friend, but as a woman, his need for her began to surge. Without a doubt, he liked what he saw on the outside and wanted to explore more of the woman beneath the clothing. But now that he knew the woman behind the curves and sassy attitude, he felt something more than just a physical attraction.  
    Was he truly ready for this? Would the memory of his wife continue to press on him? Could he ask Faith to give herself over to a man who still had to ask himself that question? Deciding that he wouldn’t be able to answer that question tonight, he put it on the backburner for another day. He instead focused on the woman standing in front of him.  
    “What’s wrong, Faith?”  
    “Um, nothing really. I just…” Looking over her shoulder one more time, she slowly moved from her spot. Coming over next to him, she sat on the bench that was situated next to his chair.  
    Beginning to get concerned, he was about to get up and go into the house and check on Madison. Just as he was lifting up, the next words from Faith’s mouth stopped him in his tracks.  
    “Madison is…,” she paused and sighed deeply, “That little girl has stolen my heart. I love her so much. Do you know that?”  
    Instead of rushing into the house, he lifted out of his chair and went over to the bench, sitting next to Faith. “I know you do. I see it every time you’re with her.” Knowing his daughter had not heeded his direction to wait to share her confession, he continued, “But what made you say it tonight? To me?”  
    Cooper didn’t think she realized it at the time, but when she began to answer the question, she grabbed his hand in hers. “Upstairs, as she was getting into bed, she said she loved me.” The joy on her face was his undoing. How could a woman who had not birthed a child, feel so much joy and happiness at the knowledge of that child’s love for them?  
    “Did this upset you?” Based on her response, he would hazard a guess to say no, but he wanted to hear her say it.  
    “Oh, no! Absolutely not. I know she lost her mother and for a little girl, that can be traumatic.”  
    Cooper interrupted, “Has she ever talked about her mother? Asked questions?”  
    She shook her head no, still holding onto his hand as she continued, “Not really. I mean, she sometimes looks at mothers and daughters with a little more curiosity. Occasionally, she’ll make comments about things her and her mommy would do if she were alive.” Pausing for a moment, she looked out over the yard, “The time I’ve spent with her has been because I wanted to do it. Just because she is such a caring and open child. It was just…I don’t know. Hearing the words made me realize that she has come to mean so much to me.”  
    He knew that Madison’s curiosity and observations about her mother, or lack thereof, was natural. The counselors and therapists he had spoken with had told him so. “Well, from what I’ve been told, when she does bring up Heather, it’s important to let her questions and comments flow naturally. I’ve tried to be careful not to force any conversation about her mother, but also not shy away from it when she wants to talk.”  
    Looking at the woman sitting next to him in a new light, he began to understand what was starting to happen, “It seems that you’ve become someone she feels that she can trust. Someone she knows she can be herself with and not hide.”  
    “She’s an amazing little girl. I will never overstep, Cooper, but I will be here for Madison. For however long she needs me, I will always be a part of her life,” she answered him.  
    “I know you will and I appreciate that.” Placing his other hand over their already joined hands, he gave

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