Better Off Dead
    “ Keep your panties on, Dorothy,” he said and shook his head. “We’re still in Kansas far as I can tell. Well, one thing’s fer sure—we’re not in the Underground City.”
    “ How do you know if you’ve never been there?” I demanded, my attention riveted on the Grevels.
    “’ Cause I’ve heard stories and seen pictures,” he spat back. “There you go being an ask-hole again.”
    “ So if we aren’t in the Underground, then what are they doing here?” I demanded, ignoring my new nickname.
    “Good freakin ’ question, yo,” Bill said, shaking his head and sighing in what appeared to be confusion. “I got no clue how the hell demons escaped the Underground.”
    “ Demons?” I hissed, feeling my heartbeat pound in my ears.
    Bill threw me a glare. “Shhh. Shit girl, you trying to get us spotted?”
    I glanced down at my shaking hands, and didn’t know what to think, other than the obvious. “We need to get out of here, Bill. This isn’t safe.”
    But Bill didn’t respond. He was too busy gawking at me. Or at something looming behind me.
    It felt like slow motion as I turned to find myself face-to-face with the blood-red muzzle of a demon. I didn’t scream, I don’t even think I gasped. Sometimes, you’re just too scared to react.
    “Get up very slowly,” Bill whispered. I didn ’t take my eyes from the demon, but based on the proximity of Bills voice, I knew he was standing right behind me.
    I did as he said, my eyes fastened on the creature. It did nothing but stare at me, appearing as curious about me as I was about it. Scratch that, I wasn’t curious—I was terrified. As soon as I stood, it approached me, beginning to growl in a low, warning tone. Its loud hooves crunched against the snow as it got closer; and the steam from its mouth looked like tortured souls riding its breath.
    “Walk backwards toward me,” Bill ordered. “Real slow like.”
    I maybe took two steps before it pounced. I felt the air rush from my lungs as I hit the snow-packed hill—hard. I pushed my hands out before me on pure reflex, my body aware that I’d have to defend myself against the creature ’s attack. But all I did was slap my hands against the blubber of Bill’s back. It took me a few seconds to regain my bearings and that’s when I realized Bill had thrust himself in front of me, taking the brunt of the demon’s attack.
    Now Bill was flailing helplessly with the demon atop him, and the only sounds to shatter t he otherwise still air was snorting—I wasn’t sure whose—the creature’s or Bill’s. I attempted to emerge from behind him, feeling like I needed to do something to help him, but he shoved me behind him forcefully.
    “ Stay where you are, fuck nut!”
    The demon attempted to secure Bill’s arm with its mouth, but Bill jabbed it in the muzzle with his fist before it had the chance. I heard myself scream. Seconds later, I realized my mistake. The remaining demons now all turned their full attention toward us. They cocked their heads like curious dogs, not wasting any time in approaching us. Instantly recognizing their angry demon comrade, their muzzles peeled back to show hideous pointed teeth . Their piercing growls continued to clash with the quiet night air.
    “Bill!” I screamed. “ More are coming!”
    The demon straddling Bill suddenly backed away, pawing the ground as it neared its clan. Turning back toward us, it began growling, just like the others.
    “Back yourself up against that tree,” Bill said between clenched teeth, motioning to a pine beside him.
    I took the three necessary steps to find my back against the trunk while my heart thundered painfully. Bill walked backwards as well, never allowing his body to expose mine. Guess he wasn’t such a bad guardian angel after all. Well, recently anyway ...
    “What should we do?” I whispered, motioning toward the other demons who were now nearly on us.
    “ We are gonna do nothin’, I'm gonna protect your ass

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