Wolf from the Past: Salvation Pack, Book 4
obvious tension in Armand’s voice and grinned. “Your sister is casting aspersions on my cooking abilities.”
    “No, I’m not,” she insisted. She wasn’t used to anyone teasing her but found herself enjoying the exchange.
    Armand snorted. “Aspersions, my ass. She’s probably just worried about her stomach.” Armand set the tray on a small table between two of the chairs and handed her one of the tall glasses. “Don’t worry. He won’t poison you.”
    “Why do I put up with such slander? I should leave the lot of you to fend for yourselves.” Gator shook his head. “Have you decided what you’d like?” he asked her.
    She shook her head. She could barely think with him standing there half naked. Making a decision about dinner was beyond her.
    “I’ll surprise you.” He inclined his head to her, slapped Armand on the shoulder and went inside, leaving her and her brother alone.
    Condensation had already made the glass damp. She brought it her lips and sipped the tart, cool liquid. “That tastes wonderful.”
    Armand settled into the turquoise-colored chair next to her. “Glad you like it.” He picked up a plate of cookies from the tray and offered it to her. She took one. “Oatmeal chocolate chip cookies. They’re good. Anny made them.”
    Sylvie took a bite and nodded. “They are good.” She chewed and swallowed, enjoying the flavors. “How did you and Anny meet? What pack is she from?”
    Armand’s smile lit up his entire face. “She’s not from a pack. I met her in town.”
    That didn’t make any sense. “But she’s a werewolf. I could smell her wolf. Do you mean she was a loner?” There were some who were banished from their pack for some infraction. It was the worst punishment a pack had, even worse than death in many ways, and it was rarely used. Still fewer who chose to leave their packs, like she had.
    Armand shook his head. “No. Anny was human.”
    Sylvie gasped and carefully set her glass on the arm of her chair. “How is that possible?” Her mind was whirling. Such a thing was so rare as to almost be unheard of.
    He leaned back and stretched his long legs out in front of him. “It’s a miracle.”
    Gator moved away from the open window as brother and sister began to talk. He wanted to be outside with them, with her. He forced himself to head toward his room. He needed a shower and then he’d cook for Sylvie.
    Brother and sister needed time to talk. It was a good thing. If she and Armand were on good terms, she’d be more likely to stay here. His wolf chuffed in agreement.
    He kicked off his jeans and strode naked into his bathroom. Like the rest of his space, it was functional but lacked much in the way of personality. Anny had been after him for months to do something to spruce up his room, but he hadn’t been interested. Now he wondered what Sylvie would think of it.
    He planned on offering her his room if she stayed.
    She had to stay. He couldn’t handle her being out there alone in the world. Yes, she’d survived on her own quite nicely for the past couple of years, but it was different now. He’d thought her dead. Now that he knew she was alive, he wanted to take care of her.
    He snorted and stepped into the shower stall and cranked the tap. The water came out chilly, which helped cool his heated body. He adjusted the heat and stood with the water flowing down over him.
    His dick ached. The damn thing had been on alert since the moment he’d laid eyes on Sylvie. Cooking dinner with a hard-on wasn’t exactly the best way to reassure her he was in control. It was also likely to get him a beating from his friend if Armand suspected Gator’s arousal was due to Sylvie’s presence.
    No, much better for everyone if he took matters into his own hands, so to speak. He grabbed the soap and ran it between his hands. When he had a nice lather built up, he tossed the soap back onto the ledge and ran his hand down his stomach until he reached his cock.
    He groaned the moment

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