The Ascended
his statement. In our steady flow of texting, John now knew me like an open book and knew how much I detested all the attention I was getting lately. "Yeah, that's putting it mildly," I said, still laughing.
    "You still discovering new music?" John asked , switching gears which was a specialty of his.
    "Yep, with a lot of help from Lynn. She's really got great taste in music. I like most of the stuff she suggests, but sometimes she can give me something that's a little out there."
    "Yeah, I can see that from the way she dresses."
    "Yep, she's got her own style that's for sure," I said, unscrewing the lid off one of the jugs so I could dip it into the clear ice cold water.
    "John can you hand me the other jug?" I asked, reaching my hand behind me expectantly.
    "John?" I said, turning around to get his attention and discovered he was right behind me with his back to me. I gasped in pain when he took a step backward and stepped on my boot-encased toes.
    "Ow," I complained, hoping around on one foot. "You stomped on my foot," I continued to gripe until I realized John's attention was focused on the shadowy forest to our left.
    "What is it?" I asked, all humor gone.
    "A black bear," John said, never taking his eyes off the woods.
    "Are you sure?" I whispered as if that would keep it from noticing us.
    "Positive. If you look close enough you can make out its massive shape just beyond the tree that seems tilted."
    "Do you think it's a coincidence or is it a puppet of Victor's?" I asked, still whispering.
    "Oh, it's a puppet for sure. Otherwise it wouldn't be stalking us like this. If it was seeking water it would have come lumbering out. Same goes if it was hungry."
    "What's it waiting for then?"
    "I don't know, maybe to see if we're going to run."
    "Are you kidding me?" I asked not wanting to believe.
    "I wish I were…" He started , only to be interrupted when the bear stepped into the narrow clearing.
    The sheer size of it was staggering as it reared up on its hind legs and roared its displeasure.
    "Krista, when he charges, just run . Don't look back. Get to the camp and prepare the others.
    "You're insane, there's no way I'm leaving you."
    "Krista, do as I say," he demanded in what I was sure was his dad voice.
    I crossed my arms stubbornly. "No John, I'm not leaving you. I've already lost someone I care about by leaving."
    "Krista, it's not your fault you were knocked unconscious. You can't keep blaming your …" John was cut off as the bear roared one last time before charging toward us.
    Time seemed to stand still for me as I watched the beast lumbering toward us. Its hindquarters seemed to move in a blur as they propelled him across the small clearing. Its deadly teeth gleamed in the morning light as it jumped on John with one mighty leap.
    John screamed at me to leave one last time as the bear used its huge paw to knock him to the ground. I watched in horror as blood began to bead up on John's face where the long claws had made contact.
    John stumbled to his feet looking dazed from the blow. He struck the bear, aiming for the softer flesh of its belly. The bear roared its pain and displeasure. John moved closer and used his closed fist to hit the bear on his snout. This time the bear roared with such anger, I swear the ground shook. In retaliation, it struck John again. This time its massive claws scraped across John's chest, tearing effortlessly through his t-shirt. John staggered back and fell to his knees as blood began to gush from his chest wounds. I gasped as he slowly teetered backwards.
    "No!" I shrieked as the bear clamored on top of John, pinning him to the ground. The bear turned its head in my direction. If I didn't know any better I would swear it understood what I had said. I focused intently, not sure if my powers would work on a bear the way they did on humans. As it turns out, the bear was a mom. I could clearly see her irritation at being awake and away from the two cubs she left behind. Seeing inside her

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