Lucien's War

Free Lucien's War by Jenika Snow

Book: Lucien's War by Jenika Snow Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jenika Snow
could be together, and for just a second she envisioned that
they were a couple. Despite their age difference, the fact that the club was
his life and that being with her would destroy what he had, she could see
herself loving this man with no obstacles in the way. He didn’t move, didn’t
even respond to what she had said, so she opened her door and put him out of
her mind. If he wanted to play the “I’m not going to speak, just stare hard at
you” card, then she could do the same.
tossed her purse on the bed, and when she turned around it was to see that he
had come into her room and shut the door behind him. He didn’t have his arms
crossed over his wide chest anymore, but he still looked just as frightening
and intense staring at her.
never answered why you’re here, Lucien, and don’t give me that crap that you
wanted to check up on me because you were worried. You pushed me away, told me this wouldn’t work out because of my
dad, the age gap, and the club.” She was feeling her emotions come to the
surface, and she was not going to let that happen. “I agree that I don’t want
you and my dad to be on the outs because of something we may or may not do, but
I can’t have you showing up out of the blue and stirring things up.”
needed to stay level, because he was calm, collected, and standing there like
nothing ever affected him. The only time she had seen his exterior resistance
crack was when they had kissed back at the clubhouse just this very morning. He
had opened up to her, showed her that there was this passion inside of him,
this need and want, and it matched her own. But then he had pushed her away,
and that brick wall of composure had gone back in place. He had been the cold
biker President she had known all her life.
now he had the same expression, and it pissed her off, but broke her heart,
too. She looked away, trying to compose herself. It was hard trying to push her
feelings down, and if he really wanted her to move on him showing up like this
was defeating that purpose. With her back still to him she spoke again, trying
not to let her emotions show, but failing.
were able to avoid me for the last three months, and after one kiss and pushing
me away I thought that was the end of it.” She inhaled and then exhaled
roughly. “You’re making this harder,” she whispered. She took one more
steadying breath, and then turned to face him. A gasp left her at the fact
Lucien was directly behind her.
stared into her eyes for a suspended moment, and then grabbed her behind the
head, pulled her forward, and claimed her mouth with his. She felt his muscles
against her softness and moaned against his mouth. He stroked her lips with his
tongue, and she opened for him instantly, accepting him completely, and not
worrying about the consequences of what they were doing. She had her hands on
his biceps, clenched and unclenched his bulging muscles, and moaned into his
mouth. She became a fiend for him, and any and all thoughts that had to do with
staying away vanished.
stared at her for a second, not speaking, but searching her face with his gaze.
She felt on display for this man, and knew that what he was about to say would
change the way things had gone for the last three months.
want you, you want me, and I am going to claim you, Callie,” he said against
her mouth. “I am going to have every part of you until you know irrevocably
that you are mine.” He leaned back an inch, still had his hand behind her head
and his fingers tangled in her hair, and breathed against her mouth. “Damn the
consequences.” He kissed her again and again, and she melted into him, loved
that he held her so tightly, so thoroughly, and that she felt like they were
one. “I have tried to fight how I feel for you, tried to stay away, and I was
damn good at it for the last few months.” He rested his forehead against hers,
and she was stunned to see this man looking so

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