Lucien's War

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Book: Lucien's War by Jenika Snow Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jenika Snow
wasn’t the feared MC President that she had always known, but this man opening
up to her and telling her how he felt. It may only happen this one time, but
she wanted him, wanted all of him, and she didn’t want to say something that
would ruin this moment.
been thinking about this moment for a long time, Lucien.” She leaned up and
kissed him, stroked her tongue along his mouth, and actually felt his body
harden beneath hers, and then he trembled slightly. Right now there wasn’t
anything on this planet except the two of them.
he groaned out, and grabbed a chunk of her hair to pull her head back gently.
He kissed and sucked at her throat, ran his tongue up the length of her neck,
and then stopped at her pulse point. She grew wet, so damn needy, and wanted to
take this to the next level. Damn the consequences, like he had put it.
was breathing heavily, and when he pushed his erection against her belly, a
fresh gush of moisture left her. He was so big and so hard for her. She had
never been this wet for a man, never had a man inflame her like he was. Yes,
Callie was a virgin, and yes, right now she wanted Lucien to be the man that
took that from her.
alone, Lucien,” she said breathlessly, and when he pulled back she knew she had
to have this drugged-out look on her face. She felt drunk from his touch and
kisses, and wanted to be so far gone with the feel and taste of him that she
didn’t think she’d survive.   Lucien
started kissing her again, grinding his massive erection against her belly like
he couldn’t get enough, and Callie was more than willing to be the outlet for
his need.
I want is you, and that’s going against everything I believe in with my
brothers,” he said in this pained voice. But then he held her face in his
hands, tilted her head to the side, and stroked her lips with his tongue. “But
like I said before, I want you, you want me, and I’m going to have you because
the alternative is too damn hard.”
we just focus on you and me?” She let her head fall back on her neck slightly,
closed her eyes, and loved when he started stroking her skin with his thumbs.
“I just want you to be with me right now.”
growl of need left him. He stared down at her for a few seconds, almost like he
was struggling with himself on what he should do, and then he was tearing her
clothes away like an animal in heat. There she stood, in her bra and panties,
her body starting to sweat from her arousal, and her need for him bursting
through her. Despite the chill in the air she was overheated. Her nipples were
hard, and she knew they were poking through the thin material of her bra. Her
panties were soaked from her desire, and her clit felt swollen. If he touched
her between her legs she’d surely come right then and there. She may be
inexperienced in actually having sex, but she wasn’t a prude, and had done
enough with the couple of boyfriends she had been with that she knew what a guy
moonlight speared through the curtains, and when she reached out and flattened
her hands on his cut, smoothed them down his chest, and stopped at the button
and fly of his jeans, her fingers started to shake uncontrollably. She was
scared and nervous, and her strength was leaving as the thought of being with
Lucien in this very real way filled her. He took hold of her hands and brought
them up to his mouth. There he kissed each of her fingers softly while watching
She breathed out his name, feeling her hands tremble even harder now. “I’ve
never…” She trailed off, feeling a little embarrassed at her inexperience. She
wanted to give him everything he needed as a man, wanted to be able to pleasure
him as much as he would surely pleasure her.
    “Oh Callie, baby.” He pulled her close,
cupped her cheek, and stared into her face. Even in the darkness she saw his
nostrils flare and this possessive, dangerous look

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