101 Ways to Meet Your Angels

Free 101 Ways to Meet Your Angels by Karen Paolino

Book: 101 Ways to Meet Your Angels by Karen Paolino Read Free Book Online
Authors: Karen Paolino
come. Some of the tools you can use to call them include praying, dousing for answers, studying the symbols of certain types of cards, and engaging in rituals that you create.
    33: Read Scripture and Prayers to Invoke Angel Response
    There is no formal way to ask angels to make their presence known to you. You can simply call out to the angels by name, or you can say, “Angels, gather around me and surround me in your love.” Then ask for whatever you need. No prayer is too small or too large. Surrender your prayer to divine resolution, and trust that your prayer has been heard and will be answered in divine timing. Try the following technique.
Call an angel by name, or keep it more general. Close your eyes, hold out your arms and hands in an open embrace, and say, “Angels, gather around me and surround me in your love.” Then ask for whatever you need. Fold your hands together as if in prayer and wait to see if there might be an immediate response. Remember that the magnitude or size of a prayer does not matter to God and the angels. No prayer is too small and insignificant or too large. Surrender your prayer to divine resolution, and trust that your prayer has been heard and will be answered in divine timing.
    34: Douse for Angel Answers Using a Pendulum
    Dousing, the ages-old technique of using a forked sapling or tree branch to find water, has also been used to answer yes and no questions (bouncing or moving in one direction for an affirmative answer and bouncing in the opposite direction for a no). Similarly, the same type of process works with a crystal suspended by cord or a fine-mesh chain from a bead. Dousing is easy and particularly helpful when your angels need a simple way to signal their yes/no responses to your questions.
    Imagine a bead fastened to a four-inch chain from which dangles a multisided crystal in the shape of a triangle, its point aimed toward the ground. As you hold the pendulum still (after you have slid the bead between two fingers and allowed the pendulum on the chain to freely dangle), you will notice it beginning to move in a circular motion. Tell your angels which direction indicates a “yes” answer (for example, clockwise) and which direction means a “no” (counterclockwise). Tell your angels that any answer they cannot reveal or that is not yet known will stop the pendulum. That way, there will be no confusion about the answers the pendulum reveals to the questions you ask. The crystal, when magnetized by your energy and the blessing of angel energy seems to swing on its own. In fact, some dowsers claim the crystal moves entirely by itself, others assert that it rotates as a result of the energy flowing through the person holding the pendulum. But for those who share a belief in angels, it seems plausible that the angels move the pendulum through influence over the holder’s energy and thoughts.
    Quantum physics studies indicate that the universe is energy, you are energy, your thoughts are energy, and everything else is energy. Everyone has the energy centers, or chakras (like wheels with spokes) and nadis, or nerves, running through the ethereal body like a nervous system. They work as transmitters of energy. When your chakras are balanced (not blocked or unbalanced) and your intuitive senses are heightened, you are in the best attunement to the energy of God and the angels. In this flow of consciousness, you can gain clarity and receive messages of divine guidance through the medium of spiritual tools such as a dousing crystal.
1. Hold the crystal pendulum between your palms to charge it with your energy.
2. Invite the angels to bless the pendulum so that it will serve only your highest good as it provides the answers to your questions.
3. Stretch out your right hand so the palm is facing toward the floor, place the bead end of the chain through two fingers, and simply hold, allowing the chain and pendulum to drop.

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