
Free Darkwood by Rosemary Smith

Book: Darkwood by Rosemary Smith Read Free Book Online
Authors: Rosemary Smith
voice. ‘I observed you from a window and thought to see what you were about.’
    ‘I just wish to see the wood, and especially the carpet of bluebells,’ I replied meekly, looking at his immaculate dark blue jacket and matching waistcoat and a crisp white shirt. His hair was tousled by the slight, cool breeze and his pale blue eyes were cold and calculating as he weighed up the situation which was, I realised with some dismay, that we were alone, some way from the house. I didn’t trust this cousin, recalling the day when he had almost dragged me to the master bedroom against my will. I found myself in an unenviable position.
    ‘As a child you refused to come here.’ As he spoke, Jared moved towards me and I took a step back, not wishing to be any closer to him. ‘You are surely not afraid of me, cousin?’ He laughed and moved swiftly nearer to me, catching my wrist in his cold grasp.
    As I tried to free myself, the shawl I wore fell to the ground and I realised I was treading on the bluebells. I could hear them squelch under my feet. Jared was backing me against a snarled grey tree trunk. I felt the bark almost pierce into my back as he pushed his body up against me.
    I screamed, knowing it was to no avail as he clamped his free hand across my mouth. My heart was pounding and although cold, I could feel the sweat on my brow.
    ‘Just one kiss, cousin, and you will be mine.’ His voice was quietly menacing as he spoke and his eyes looked directly into mine, so I closed them tightly as I did not wish to look at his leering face.
    ‘What are you doing, brother?’ Gareth’s angry voice was music to my ears. A relieved sob escaped my lips as I opened my eyes in time to see Gareth bring his hand up sharply across Jared’s face. Now go home!’ my gallant knight said between clenched teeth. ‘And never again touch or go near my betrothed or I will not be responsible for my actions. Believe me, brother, you have escaped lightly.’ Jared looked at us both then retreated back towards Darkwood.
    Gareth turned to me and with one strong arm pulled me towards him. My head on his shoulder, small sobs escaped me, more with relief than anything as Gareth’s hand smoothed my hair gently. Calming down, I lifted my head and looked at him.
    ‘I can’t thank you enough,’ I said quietly, lifting my hand to touch his cheek. ‘I dread to think of my fate had you not chanced to walk this way.’
    ‘It was no chance, I assure you,’ he explained. ‘I watched you walk and linger on the bridge. As you stepped into the wood, I spied Jared following you and knew from past experience his intentions would not be honourable.’
    ‘You are right in that assumption.’ As I spoke I noticed I had at last stopped trembling. Gareth went across to the path and picked up my shawl. Bringing it back, he placed it gently around my shoulders.
    ‘Do you feel better?’ he enquired, cupping my chin in his hand.
    ‘I do, except I am concerned about all the bluebells we have trampled on,’ I said as I looked around our feet.
    ‘Do not worry, Silvia, there are plenty more.’ As he spoke he turned around, one arm conveying the carpet of blue. I smiled as I tried desperately to secure the pins back in my hair which was already falling in disarray around my shoulders. ‘Leave it,’ Gareth said. ‘You have such beautiful hair, it is a sin to hide it.’ At his words, my cheeks flushed and I hope he hadn’t noticed my confusion.
    ‘Tell me, Silvia, what caused you to walk in the wood alone? I recall as a child, tales of ghosts prevented you from doing so.’ As he spoke Gareth looked down at me, a gentle look on his face.
    ‘It is true. When we were children I was afraid to come here, not only because of yours and Jared’s tales of ghosts and goblins, but also our grandfather forbade it.’ I stopped, thinking back to Samuel’s hold over me and I realised even more how much Jared was like him.
    ‘Have no fear, my love, cousin Jared will not

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