Graham Ran Over A Reindeer

Free Graham Ran Over A Reindeer by Sterling Rivers

Book: Graham Ran Over A Reindeer by Sterling Rivers Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sterling Rivers
talking. “I hope one day you can forgive me for leaving like that. I just want you know that I had your best interests at heart when I walked away without a word.”
    A broad palm spanned Rudy’s back and the gentle caresses loosened him further. Graham’s voice was clear as he spoke. “Now that I understand why you did what you did, I hold no grudge. And there is nothing to forgive. I can’t say I wouldn’t have done the same thing if I were in your position. All that matters is that we are here now.”
    Graham’s words were like a sweet bird song to Rudy’s ears. It was everything he had hoped for, and now that they had gotten past that Rudy could concentrate on the other issue at hand. Should I bring it up now? He could safely say their future was far more important and impacting than him leaving.
    “In any case, I can’t complain where life has led us. Sure, we’ve had some bumps along the way but I think they’ve made us stronger. If you would have told me the truth about you as soon as you came back I don’t think I would have believed you, nor would I have been passed that hurt. I guess we both needed to mature.”
    “I’m so happy the way things have turned out, Graham. And I don’t think I would have been able to tell you the truth about me had you not run me over.” Graham smiled faintly and Rudy leaned in to kiss his lover. “I promise to make it up to you.”
    Arcing a brow, Graham grinned slantedly, clearly liking that idea. Rudy closed his eyes and focused on the way the man’s body felt against his own, every touch making him shudder. These were the times he longed for—simple moments of shared pleasure and meaningful words exchanged.
    “I have a question. But I’m not sure if I really want to know just yet,” Graham started, his body language betraying his apprehension. “I think it’s important that we’re open and honest about everything so I’m just going to go ahead and ask—how does someone become like you?”
    Rudy suspected the man had wanted to ask about that very thing. He had hoped he would have had a little more time, but now that it was out in the open, a jolt of fear went through him. What if Graham wasn’t ready for that kind of truth? If Rudy confessed he wanted to make a life-mate out of Graham, would he turn away? “There is no easy way to answer that. But if the recipient wishes to receive the gift, he must ingest the light-water . It will enter his system and alter his DNA. He will become stronger and his senses will heighten. Then he must choose his form. But it must be done carefully because there is no going back.”
    Graham was quiet for a long while and Rudy homed in on his body language. The man’s heart had accelerated a fraction and his muscles tensed. Rudy was sure he could hear the wheels turning in Graham’s mind. He wanted to ask what Graham thought about the process. Would you ever consider accepting my gift? He wanted to ask desperately but he couldn’t find the courage to speak the words out loud.
    “This water… It’s inside you? How does the recipient ingest it?”
    Backing away, Rudy propped his head against his palm and looked into his lover’s eyes. There was genuine curiosity there but also uncertainty and maybe a little bit of fear. “The light-well must be punctured.”
    Graham’s face twisted into a variety of expressions from fear and disbelief to interest and denial. He took a deep breath, worked his lips silently and slowly let it out. Rudy ran his fingers down the side of Graham’s cheek. He committed to memory everything about the man, afraid this might be their last intimate moment together. Rudy knew the question was poised on the tip of his lover’s lips.
    “Would you ever offer your gift to someone?” Graham croaked.
    “Not just someone, Graham. The man I intend to spend the rest of my life with,” he said in a roundabout manner. He didn’t want to push the issue onto Graham.
    Graham didn’t inquire further about

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