Dangerous Alterations

Free Dangerous Alterations by Elizabeth Lynn Casey

Book: Dangerous Alterations by Elizabeth Lynn Casey Read Free Book Online
Authors: Elizabeth Lynn Casey
Tags: Mystery
rather than reading.
    “I think it’s wonderful that your weekend off is coinciding with Margaret Louise’s little trip.” Dixie followed behind Tori as she moved from aisle to aisle, straightening and re-shelving. “Of course, I won’t be able to join in the fun, but that’s okay. I said I would cover you this weekend and I will.”
    She tried not to read too much into the overeager tone in the elderly woman’s voice but it was hard. Dixie Dunn was practically salivating at the prospect of running the show for an entire weekend. The fact that Tori would be a few hours away during that time was simply the icing on the proverbial cake.
    “Are you really sure it’s okay? You’ve been part of the sewing circle for years, Dixie. Seems only fair you should go.” Tori pulled a science fiction novel from the mystery shelf and carried it to its proper home. “If we did that, then I could take off next weekend, instead … when I can be close by in the event of a problem.”
    “No!” A deep red spread across Dixie’s face as a patron on the other side of the room turned an angry glare in their direction. Dropping her voice to a more suitable volume, Dixie shook her head vehemently. “I put this weekend on my calendar when you first told me about Nina’s bed rest. To switch now would mess up my, um … my plans for next weekend.”
    Dixie Dunn had plans?
    Before Tori could respond, the woman’s cold hand grabbed hold of her shoulder and ushered her toward the information desk and the lunch sack she’d been ignoring for the past thirty minutes. “Now, no more talk about switching weekends. I’ve committed to working here and you’ve been given a lovely way to spend your time off. There’s nothing left to discuss.”
    She knew she should be grateful for Dixie’s help. Without it, she’d be working nonstop to cover for her assistant’s leave of absence—a less than appealing thought under any circumstances, virtually unfathomable in light of the stress of the last few days.
    There was no doubt about it, spending a weekend in the mountains with seven of her closest friends sounded as close to perfect as she could imagine. The only thing that could make it better would be Milo.
    She’d stared up at the ceiling for hours after they’d talked, thanking her lucky stars for his presence in her life. He was creative and funny, supportive and trustworthy, and he made her strive to be a better person whenever he was near. Surely Jeff’s misstep two years earlier had been orchestrated by a chorus of angels hell-bent on making sure life turned out as it should …
    With Milo Wentworth by her side instead of Jeff.
    “Victoria? Are you alright?”
    Shaking her thoughts back to the present, Tori tried to remember where they were.
    The weekend. The girls-only-getaway-while-Dixieruns-the-library weekend …
    Dixie brought her hands to her hips. “You do realize I ran this library for more years than you’ve been alive, don’t you?”
    She held up her hands. “I know. I know. It’s not you, Dixie, it’s me. I have a hard time turning over—”
    “The reins. I know. Trust me, I know.” Dixie marched around the information desk and plucked Tori’s lunch sack from the bottom shelf. “But sometimes you have to … whether you want to or not. Now here, go. Eat.”
    Nodding, she took the bag from Dixie’s hand and turned toward the door. “I’ll be back in thirty minutes.”
    “Take an hour and go for a walk, too. The fresh air will be good for you. Helps clear your head.”
    Clear her head …
    As if that was going to happen anytime soon.
    She waved, then pushed her way out into an August day in Sweet Briar, the stifling heat almost bearable thanks to a gusty breeze the local weather forecasters hadn’t predicted. If she was smart, she’d head back inside, eat her lunch in her air-conditioned office, but the notion held little appeal. Somehow, being outside with the serenity of the town square in front of

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