Your Exception

Free Your Exception by Bria Starr

Book: Your Exception by Bria Starr Read Free Book Online
Authors: Bria Starr
need to talk to her, and she has no idea what’s been going on. I’m to my breaking point.
    Me: Will you be home tonight? I need you :(
    Cassidy: I work, but I can see if someone will cover my shift? Is everything okay?
    Me: No.
    Cassidy: I’ll figure it ou t .
    I enter the house after work where Cassidy is sitting in the recliner , waiting for me. She puts down her Kindle and gives me her full attention.
    I burst out crying, bringing my hands to my face.
    She races over to the couch next to me. “What is wrong? Is it Logan? What’s happened?”
    “I don’t know!” I wail.
    She holds me as I ugly cry into her pink sparkly shirt.
    That’s a true friend.
    After my sobs let up, I explain everything that has happened . It makes me feel better when she is just as confused as I am.
    “So you’re saying you haven’t really talked to him since Saturday?”
    I nod.
    “And you’ve tried texting him, but he barely responds?”
    I nod again.
    “Sweetie, you just need to go talk to him.”
    “I think… I think it’s over.”
    “You need to go over there and end it then. If you feel deep down that it’s over, it probably is. Go finish it.”
    I nod again since that’s all I seem to be able to do.
    Knowing what is about to happen, I can’t shake the uneasy feeling of showing up at his house unannounced. I wash my face, then grab my purse and car keys. When I get into my car, I play Radiohead’ s Cree p .
    Because if the shoe fits…

Chapter 8
    Feeling nervous as I make the drive to Logan’s, I listen t o Cree p over and over. I really do feel creepy driving to Logan’s house when he isn’t expecting me and has been ignoring me for days.
    As I pull in the driveway, I see his bike parked next to his truck and what must be his roommate’s red Mustang. I knock on the door, and a bald headed guy who looks to be in his thirties, answers the door.
    “Is Logan home?” I quietly ask, waiting for him to say no and slam the door in my face so Logan can continue ignoring me.
    He curiously looks me over from head to toe. I wonder if he even knows I exist in Logan’s life. “He’s upstairs.” He points up as he lets me in. He must be the roommate, Josh.
    I make my way up to Logan’s room. His door is shut, so I knock.
    “Yeah?” I hear him call from inside his room. I open the door slowly. He’s lying in his bed watching a movie. I guess it never crossed my mind that he might have someone in here with him, but he doesn’t.
    Our eyes lock. Let’s do this, is the only thought that goes through my mind as I enter his room and approach his bed, kneeling down on the floor nearest to him.
    “So what’s going on?” I say softly.
    “It’s not nothing. You’ve been avoiding me for days. Something is going on. Tell me. Please,” I plead.
    He hesitates. “I just don’t think…that I’m the one for you.”
    There. He said it.
    “Don’t you think that should be up to me to decide?”
    “I like to be able to do what I want, when I want. I don’t want to be tied down right now.”
    That hurts.
    “Tied down? Is that how I make you feel? I feel like I’ve been good about letting you do what you want to do. I don’t bitch if I don’t get to see you every day. I didn’t even bitch when you stood me up. I wasn’t happy, but I didn’t end things over it.”
    “I know this is going to sound bad, but it isn’t you. It really is me.”
    Really? He just said that? Do guys actually believe we fall for this line?
    “So it’s over,” I say.
    “Yeah, I think so. For now.”
    “For now.” I repeat. What the hell is that supposed to mean? “All right then,” I say plastering a fake smile on my face making my way towards his door. It’s all I can do to keep from crying right in front of him. I’m holding it together quite well, considering I’m getting my heart broken for the second time in three months. I don’t want to lose him, but why would I want to be with someone who doesn’t want me

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