Redemption (Iris Series)

Free Redemption (Iris Series) by Rebecca Lynn

Book: Redemption (Iris Series) by Rebecca Lynn Read Free Book Online
Authors: Rebecca Lynn
more days, Yan?” he whispered. 
    He continued his torment by leaning his face in near her hand between her legs.  “Tell me how it feels,” he demanded softly.
    “It feels so goooood,” she moaned, raising her hips up off the bed.
    “Are you close, baby?  Do you want to come?” he teased, licking his lips.
    “Please Jon, I need you to touch me,” she breathed.  Her hands became more insistent, one was on her sex, the other rolling her nipple.  She was nearly to the breaking point, making incoherent sounds of pleasure.
    She could feel his breath on her hand between her legs, while she brought herself closer and closer to the brink.  Then, he abruptly moved up the side of the bed and leaned over her face. 
    “Open your eyes, Ayanna.”
    He was beeping at her.
    She pried open her eyes, her slumberous gaze latching onto the phone near her head which was pinging madly as a text message came through.
    She was breathing heavily as if she’d just gone through a hard workout, her body stretched like a bow on the verge of release.  She pressed her hand to her clit and ground into it trying to relieve the tension throbbing there.  A moment later she gasped as she exploded into an earth shattering climax and allowed the undulating waves of sharp pulsations to carry her to completion.
    She lay there for several moments catching her breath, coming down off of her high.
    It was Friday morning and that had been the third night in a row she’d had the dream.  Some variations of it were different each time, but it was always basically the same. 
    Erotic dreams of Jonathan watching her, directing her, telling her what he wanted her to do to her own body to bring herself relief, all the while promising her his own sweet delights at the end of the 40 days. 
    She sighed and finally reached over to look at the text.
    Speak of the devil.  She hadn’t spoken to him since that night he came and took the pizzas.  And here he was now, reaching out to her.
    JW:  Hey.  Haven’t heard from u in a while.  U decompressed yet?
    Not even close, champ.
    AS:  Nice and relaxed, thank u very much.
    She smiled to herself.  At the moment she was , but boy it barely took the edge off.
    JW: Day 27.  Only 13 to go.
    Annoyed , she texted back.
    AS:  Thanks for the newsflash.
    She got up to use the bathroom and her phone pinged a minute later.
    JW:  Snarky start to Day 27.  Maybe ur not as relaxed as you think.
    No, duh.  I need you to fuck me 10 ways ‘til Sunday , Johnny Boy.  Then maybe I’ll be close.
    AS:  Was there a reason for ur text, or did u just want to know if I was still master of my domain?
    She threw out the obscure Seinfeld reference, waiting to see if he was also a fan of the infamous episode where all of the characters had a contest to see who could go the longest without pleasuring themselves.  Whoever won the contest was dubbed master of their domain.
    Her phone pinged.
    JW:  Which one r u?  Kramer?  I think he failed first.
    She smiled.  Asshole.
    AS:  What. Do. U. Want. Mr. White?
    She walked into the kitchen to start the coffee and grabbed a box of cereal.
    JW:  U need furniture.  I can get a truck.  This is what guy friends do, btw.  We do manly things.
    She stopped in her tracks and rubbed her hand over her heart.  This man could make her burn with anger , lust until her heart pounded out of her chest, then melt her into a puddle of mush on the floor all within the span of 60 seconds.
    She looked at the clock.  Almost 10am.  She didn’t need to be at the restaurant until 4pm, so they could feasibly get to the IKEA in Brooklyn and pick up a few things.  Like a sofa and a chair.  She already had her eye on some.  It would be nice to have something to sit on other than the floor and her bed.  Plus, Janie was coming over the next morning to discuss their venture together since she didn’t have any catering gigs set up for the weekend.  Having a place to sit would be good.
    AS:  How’d u

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