Lost in You: Petal, Georgia, Book 2

Free Lost in You: Petal, Georgia, Book 2 by Lauren Dane

Book: Lost in You: Petal, Georgia, Book 2 by Lauren Dane Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lauren Dane
her he had to go, dropping her off at her place and speeding off into the night.
    She’d asked if she could help, but he shut her down with a shake of his head. He’d gotten on his bike without another word and waited for her to climb up behind him. Even back at her place he’d been quiet, not going in with her, just waiting until she’d gotten her door unlocked before he’d pulled back out and roared away.
    That sucked.
    She’d slept horribly, and though it was her day off, she’d headed in to the shop to keep busy.
    “You want to tell me what’s up your butt?” Anne put a cup of coffee in front of Beth.
    “Nothing’s up my butt, Anne. That’s exit only, thank you very much.”
    Anne snorted. “Well your sense of humor still exists. So what’s wrong?”
    Beth huffed a sigh. “Okay so last night I managed to finally get some forward movement with Joe. I mean we had this scorching-hot make-out session and it was edging toward sex and then—”
    “Make out? Like you’re in high school? Did you let him touch your boob over your bra but under your shirt?”
    “Listen here, sister. Making out is totally underrated. Sure, sure, once you’re older and you can have sex, kissing for forty-five minutes at a time flies out the window cause, duh, sex. But, making out with Joe Harris is hot. Anyway , so we have this talk and things are great and he takes me for a ride on his motorcycle and we laid on a blanket out under the stars and kissed some more and he’s like hey I want to fuck you hard and I’m like hello, let’s get on that. And then his phone rings, he takes me home without more than four words and he’s gone.”
    “Who was it? On the phone I mean.”
    “I think it was his mom.”
    Anne’s horrified look nearly made Beth choke on her coffee. “Ew. His mom?”
    “Hush up. Jeez, weirdo. I think he’s got trouble at home. You know his dad hasn’t been well.” Joe had alluded to health issues in his family being part of the reason he came back.
    “I didn’t tell you this yet, but I heard Jim Bodry down at the hardware store talking about Mr. Harris. Saying he got into a yelling match with Merle at the post office.”
    Beth frowned. “He used to drink a fair bit. But not like Dad drinks. I wonder if it’s worse now. I just wish Joe would talk to me.”
    “Give him a chance at least. It’s only been a day. See if he calls you today.”
    “I was thinking of calling him.”
    Anne snorted. “He needs to call you. You were nearly doing it and he ran off? I’m not sure there’s a Miss Manners for that, but if there was, she’d say he broke off the sexing so it’s his job to call and check in. Like if he broke a date.”
    Anne met her eyes. “Look. I know you like being in charge. But you got that far enough. You pushed your way into his life and obviously it worked. Although he’s lucky to have you. He’s a guy. A big burly guy like William. He’s going to need to be in charge now. Also? Honey, he needs to do it. You deserve that. You can only chase so much and now it’s his turn.”
    That’s when Tate burst through the door with her sister-in-law, Maggie Chase and a passel of kids. Beth smiled at the sight. Standing to go scoop up some smooches.
    “It’s your day off.” Tate gave her a long look. “Why are you here?”
    “Just can’t get enough of Anne’s sunny disposition I guess. What’s up this fine day?” Beth gave her attention to Maggie. “Hey there.”
    “The house is awash with Chase men watching sports. Lordamighty.”
    Beth looked to Anne with a grin. “And that’s a complaint?” Every one of the Chase brothers was better than the last to look at. Gorgeous, great manners, sexy, and head over heels in love with their wives.
    Maggie laughed. “Go on over and look. Really, it’s pretty stunning. But noisy. Polly has requested a house full of babies, those are her words. So Tate and I thought we’d take them over. But we wanted to stop by to invite you two to lunch

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