The Rape of Europa

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Book: The Rape of Europa by Lynn H. Nicholas Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lynn H. Nicholas
Tags: General, History, World War II, Military, Art
Hass, Deborah Shapley, and Robert Barnett, who gave me advice on the writing and publication process, and most particularly to Preston Brown and Stuart Blue, through whom this manuscript so serendipitously found its way (via Ash Green) into the unwaveringly patient and encouraging hands of my editor, Susan Ralston. Also at Knopf I would like to thank Jennifer Bernstein, who actually can read my writing; and Peter Andersen, who designed this volume.
Most of all I am grateful to my husband, Robin, and my sons, William, Carter, and Philip, for their love and humor; to my mother, Daisy; and to all the rest of my family and friends who cheered me on.
Washington, D.C.

Advertisement for the Lucerne auction in Art News, New York, April 29, 1939

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