The Rape of Europa

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Book: The Rape of Europa by Lynn H. Nicholas Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lynn H. Nicholas
Tags: General, History, World War II, Military, Art
de Launay, Jacques. La Belgique à l’heure allemande. Brussels: Legrain, undated.
Dittrich, Christian. Vermisste Zeichnungen des Kupferstichkabinetts Dresden. Dresden: Staatliche Kunstsammlungen, 1987.
Dorléac, L. B. Histoire de l’art: Paris 1940–44. Paris: Sorbonne, 1986.
Dulles, Allen. The Secret Surrender. New York: Harper & Row, 1966.
Duparc, F. Een eeuw wedstrijd voor Nederland’s cultureel erfgoed. The Hague: Staatsuitgeverij, 1975.
Eisenhower, David. Eisenhower at War 1943–1945. New York: Vintage, 1987.
Elen, Albert. J. Missing Old Master Drawings from the Koenigs Collection. The Hague: Netherlands Office for Fine Arts, 1989.
Entartete Kunst. Munich: Austeilungführer, 1937.
Estreicher, Charles. Cultural Losses of Poland: Index of Polish Cultural Losses during the German Occupation. London, 1944.
Fabiani, Martin. Quand j’étais marchand de tableaux. Paris: Julliard, 1976.
Fasola, Cesare. The Florentine Galleries and the War. Florence: Monsalvato, 1945.
Finley, David E. A Standard of Excellence. Washington, D.C: Smithsonian, 1973.
Flanner, Janet. Men and Monuments. New York: Harper, 1957.
Foreign Relations of the United States. Washington, D.C: U.S. Government Printing Office. Various.
Foreign Relations of the United States, 1945. Vols. 1 and 2, The Conference of Berlin. Washington, D.C: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1960.
Frank, Niklas. In the Shadow of the Reich. New York: Knopf, 1991.
Frans Hals Museum. Frans Hals Tentoonstelling. Exhibition catalogue. Haarlem, 1937.
Friemuth, Cay. Die Geraubte Kunst. Westermann: Brunswick, 1989.
Fry, Varian. Surrender on Demand. New York: Random House, 1945.
Galerie, Fischer. Gemälde und Plastiken Moderner Meister aus Deutschen Museen. Auction catalogue. Lucerne, 1939.
Galerie, Nierendorf. Fünfzig Jahre, 1920–1970. Exhibition catalogue. Berlin: Ruckblick Dokumentation Jubileumsausstellung, 1970.
Gimpel, René. Diary of an Art Dealer. London: H. Hamilton, 1986.
Goebbels, Joseph. The Goebbels Diaries 1942–1943. Edited by Louis P. Lochner. Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday, 1948.
Golden Gate International Exposition. Art exhibition catalogue. San Francisco, 1940.
Guggenheim, Peggy. Out of This Century. New York: Universe, 1987.
Hapgood, David, and David Richardson. Monte Cassino. New York: Congdon and Weed, 1984.
Hartt, Frederick. Florentine Art under Fire. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1949.
Heller, Gerhard. Un Allemand à Paris. Paris: Seuil, 1981.
Henderson, Sir Nevile. Failure of a Mission. New York: Putnam, 1940.
Hentzen, Alfred. Die Berliner National-Galerie im Bildersturm. Berlin: Grote, 1971.
Hinz, Berthold. Art in the Third Reich. New York: Pantheon, 1979.
Hitler, Adolf. Mein Kampf. London: Hutchinson, 1974.
Hitler, Adolf. Monologe im Führer Hauptquartier, 1941–1944. Edited by W. Jochman and H. Heim. Hamburg: Knaus, 1980. Monologues were recorded by Heim and edited by Jochman later.
Hommage à Herman Voss. Strasbourg, 1966.
Horne, Alastair. To Lose a Battle. London: Penguin, 1979.
Hours, Magdeleine. Une Vie au Louvre. Paris: Laffont, 1987.
Howe, Thomas C. Salt Mines and Castles. New York: Bobbs Merrill, 1946.
Hull, Cordell. Memoirs. New York: Macmillan, 1948.
Institute of Contemporary Art. Dissent: The Issue of Modern Art in Boston. Exhibition catalogue. Boston, 1985.
International Military Tribunal. The Trial of the Major War Criminals before the International Military Tribunal. Nuremberg, 1947–1949. 42 volumes.
Irving, David. Goering. New York: Morrow, 1989.
Irving, David. Hitler’s War. New York: Avon, 1990.
Jackman, J. C, and C. M. Borden. The Muses Flee Hitler. Washington, D.C.: Smithsonian, 1983.
Jünger, Ernst. Journal: 1941–1943. Paris: Julliard, 1951.
Kater, M. Das Ahnenerbe der SS. Stuttgart: Deutsche Verlags-Anstalt, 1974.
Kearns, M. K. Kollwitz: Woman and Artist. Old Westbury, N.Y: Feminist Press, 1976.
Keegan, John, ed. The Times Atlas of the Second World War. New York: Harper and Row, 1951.
Kesselring, Field Marshal Albert.

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