Wolf and Soul (The Alaska Princesses Trilogy, Book 3)

Free Wolf and Soul (The Alaska Princesses Trilogy, Book 3) by Theodora Taylor

Book: Wolf and Soul (The Alaska Princesses Trilogy, Book 3) by Theodora Taylor Read Free Book Online
Authors: Theodora Taylor
Tags: Romance
scratched and kicked at the body it belonged to. And then they were through the sheet metal doors, and dressed as she was in a shimmer red mini-dress and electric blue moon boots, even her higher wolf body temperature wasn’t enough to protect her from the biting cold of the Oklahoma night.
    Her teeth chattered as she signed, “ What you doing? Want to dance!”
    Behind Grady, Luke came bursting out of the club with about eight of his crew.
    “What the hell, man?” he yelled at his older brother. “Why’d you pull her out of
    Grady might have sensed Luke and his friends behind him, but his eyes never left Tu.
    “ I’m taking you home, Tu,” he signed to her, his whole body rigid with barely checked anger. “Returning you to Alaska. Returning you to your people.”
    And that was when Tu got frustrated that she still wasn’t that great at ASL. She didn’t have the language to sign, “Who the hell are you to tell me what to do?” And instead had to settle for, “Want dance. Won’t stop.”
    She tried to walk past him back into the barn, but he got in front of her and pointed to his truck with a harsh shake of his head.
    He wanted to drive her. Where? To the airport? No! her wolf whined. She’d been having so much fun, but she could already feel the euphoria loosing its grip from her, her celestial glow losing the fight with the cold wind and Grady’s disapproving stare.
    Behind him, she could hear Luke and his friends getting riled up, telling Grady to let her past even though they must have known he couldn’t hear them.
    “Who think you?” she signed, feeling angrier than she’d allowed herself to feel in a long time—possibly ever. Who did he think he was?
    Grady just pointed at the truck again.
    And the euphoria lost its battle. It was gone, replaced by something that made her feel… weird… uncomfortable. Like her body was filling up with hot air, swelling up with whatever this was that had suddenly overtaken her.
    She tried to keep arguing,
    “ You not my father. I princess. Do what want…” she signed, but her arms were weak. She could barely hold them up. What was wrong with her? It was cold outside but suddenly, she was so hot, not just her skin, but her blood, it was boiling. It felt like her whole nervous system was on fire. Like she was burning up from the inside.
    She swayed and put a hand on Grady’s truck to steady herself.
    “Okay, okay,” she said out loud. “Maybe you should take me somewhere to lie down. I don’t feel so well.”
    She expected Grady to be happy about her giving in, but when she looked up at him the expression on his face wasn’t happy at all. It was terrified, like something unspeakable had just happened. But why?
    She felt a trickle, then the scent ripped through her nose, one she’d smelled before, coming off her sister, Janelle. And though she’d only smelled it once, it wasn’t the kind of thing you forgot. More like a chemical agent than a mere scent. It filled up your nose and overwhelmed your senses, making it impossible to think about anything else.
    Someone was in heat. No, not someone, she realized. Her . She was in heat.
    Everything happened fast after that. She felt Grady’s hands on her once again, but this time they were followed by his lips. She kissed him back, her she-wolf in a panic to have him inside her, even though her human vaguely realized this was not good. Not good at all. She was a princess, not meant to mate with a beta from Oklahoma.
    But tell her wolf that. It was off its leash, and it received this beta’s kisses eagerly, uncaring of his station or title, only focused on what it could feel, hard and unrelenting under Grady’s jeans, straining to get out.
    But just like their first kiss, this one was interrupted too soon. Something—no, no, Luke’s friends pulled Grady away in a scrabble of kicking and punching. She’d thought him completely mute, but it wasn’t true. Noises were coming out of him now. Terrible

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