California Girl
her mind. Tom meant nothing to her, nothing at all.
    Pulling up one of the shades, she stared out. The street lamps cast a pale glow on the dusk-filled sidewalk. Like her life now—pale shadows with no clear definition.
    Sirens cut the quiet, adding an edge and danger to the air. Tom was like the sirens. Dangerous. Ready to wreak havoc on her heart.
    She was older and wiser now. She would never let him get close enough to hurt her again.
    “Mary Beth?” Gail stood behind her. “I was just teasing. I didn’t realize Tom still meant something to you.”
    She whirled around. “He means nothing more than a business arrangement. Tom Sackett may have supplied the ingredients to get our careers cooking again, but he has no other place in my life.”
    “Okay.” Gail shrugged and a grin split her face. “Why are we acting like gloom and doom? We’re back in business. Give me a high five!”
    Forcing a lighter mood, Mary Beth exchanged high fives with Gail. “Let’s toast with that champagne we’ve been saving. Those upstart caterers from Philadelphia may have stolen our customers, but we’re taking ours back, and theirs too. We’ll show this town what real cooks are made of.”
    “Way to go,” Gail said. “With Sackett’s financing, we’ll be the toast of Wilmington and beyond. And we’ll make tons of money.”
    Mary Beth followed her to the kitchen. “And we’ll buy our company back.” She would take care of herself. She wouldn’t end up like her mother.
    The traffic from Delaware into Pennsylvania was heavy for a Thursday evening. Tom rubbed his hand on the back of his neck to relieve his tense muscles.
    He should have bought a house in Wilmington near the family. But after years of living in New York City, he wanted peace, solitude, country. The rolling hills of nearby Chadds Ford suited him perfectly.
    How much peace would he have now that he’d seen Mary Beth Kendrick again? Cat Eyes. What would she do if she knew his secret name for her? He smiled. Probably slash his face.
    She’d always been a spitfire. A red-haired dynamo with flashing green eyes and full, soft lips that begged him to kiss her.
    Memories of kissing Mary Beth burned him. He tightened his grip on the steering wheel. Their kiss at the formal had been something else. Special. Hot with longing. Her passion, sweetness and wide-eyed trust had filled him with pride and a need to protect her and hold her close forever. He’d known before she said the words that she loved him.
    And then the others ruined it. He hadn’t realized they were there, watching. He should have gone after her. But anger and disbelief had stunned him. Despite how hard he’d tried to overcome the barriers between them, she was so ready to believe the worst of him, and she’d fled before he’d had a chance to explain. The accusation and hurt in her eyes that night still haunted him.
    Selfish fears had frozen him and he’d let her run away, out of his life. And then there was the accident. By the time his dad was out of danger, Mary Beth had disappeared.
    He’d spent the past twelve years proving his worth to the world, to himself and to his family, making amends for the spoiled, arrogant, wild kid he’d once been.
    But only one person’s opinion mattered now. He hadn’t realized Mary Beth still harbored such resentment. The fight would be harder than he’d anticipated, but he’d earn her respect and forgiveness.
    Tom slammed on his brakes, almost colliding with the car in front. The other driver made a rude gesture. Tom frowned. He needed to concentrate on the road and not let thoughts of Mary Beth distract him.
    He twisted his mouth in a wry smile. Hell, she’d been distracting him since the first time he saw her in the school hall when he was fourteen. He’d bumped into a door, mesmerized by her green cat eyes and her thick red braid, and that sexy body.
    Long ago he’d thrown away any chance with her. He owned her company, but he’d never own

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