The Counseling

Free The Counseling by Marley Gibson

Book: The Counseling by Marley Gibson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Marley Gibson
attunement-healing practice I've been doing at Loreen's shop and whether or not it's what I should be concentrating on.
    "Thank you, Heidi," Oliver says. "Next, let me introduce you to Peggy Armer."
    An older woman with a shining smile steps to the front. She is wearing a zip-up hoodie with a skull and crossbones on the front of it. Her jeans are bell-bottoms, and work boots cover her feet. She looks as if she could go ghost hunting with Celia, Becca, Taylor, and me at any moment. Her long brown hair is straight and parted in the middle, framing her oval face.
    "Hello, children," Peggy says. "It's a pleasure to be here with you. I sense so many wonderful thoughts in this room." She glances about and connects with Harper in particular. "Like you, dear, I'm empathic. For those of you who don't know what that means, I can sense and feel what others are feeling. I take on their pain as my own. I also work a lot with remote viewing, automatic writing, and using a dowsing pendulum. There are several of you here that I will become very close with."
    Willowmeana asks, "Can you explain what remote viewing and automatic writing are?"
    "Certainly, dear," Peggy says. "Remote viewing is a means by which a sensitive—like many of you—may telepathically view a location from a distance. You may not know it, but the U.S. government used remote viewers during the Cold War to see what the Soviets were up to."
    "That's crazy!" Willowmeana says.
    "Is that something that interests you?"
    Nodding, Willowmeana explains. "Once my mother lost her car keys and I concentrated real hard and was able to see where she'd left them at the grocery store. I drew her a map of where I saw them, and sure enough, they were exactly where I said."
    Peggy grins. "That's just what I'm talking about. I'd be happy to work with you—or anyone else—on it."
    "So what's automatic writing?" Micah asks.
    "Automatic writing is a process by which an individual places a pen or pencil to paper and then, without concentrating on what he or she is writing, allows subconscious thoughts to flow through and guide the pen. This is one of the most basic forms of channeling."
    "I've done that," Evan Christian says.
    "I'll work with you too, dear."
    Oliver steps up. "Thank you, Peggy. She's really got some amazing things to share with you folks this week. Now, let me introduce a very special lady: Mary McCay. She was there to guide me when I had my transformation and became a medium. Mary?"
    A short, pleasant-looking mom type joins Oliver. "Thank you, Ollie. I won't take too much time right now, but I will be working with you all on telekinetics, psychokinesis, breathing, yoga, centering yourself, seeking the higher self, and generally mother-henning you, because that's what I do best." With that she pretends she's going to pinch Oliver's cheek, but she stops herself.
    "And finally," Oliver says, "let me introduce to you a very special man. A holy man. This is Eddie 'Wisdom Walker' Nelson." A heavyset, older Native American man eases forward, wrapped in what appears to be some sort of animal skin. His long black hair is plaited in two braids. He is the real deal. "Wisdom Walker is going to show you how to find your totem animal and spirit guides to help you move onward in developing your abilities."
    Eddie "Wisdom Walker" Nelson speaks not a word; rather, he raises his hand over us and waves it around.
    "He's blessing us," Willowmeana explains.
    And then he leaves the room, as quietly as he entered.
    I glance around at my fellow "enlightened" ones, thinking of the gifts that each of us possess. At least the ones I know of. There are some that even my psychic senses aren't able to pick up. Particularly, the talent that one Patrick Lynn has. Without turning my head, I know that he's just sitting there behind his sunglasses taking it all in, not flinching, fidgeting, or showing any emotion.
    I know there's more to him than this bitter façade he's got going. Because I've

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